
In the Patch Management feature of Ivanti Neurons, a patch group is a collection of one or more patches. Patch groups are used to deploy a particular set of patches.

The patch-group endpoint enables you to retrieve the set of data items that represents a patch group and its related metadata.

HTTP Method


Request URI


Required Header Parameters

Name Type Description



Use the Bearer <access-token> value determined during the Authenticate to the Patch Management API process.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Description



An optional filter statement. There is no default.

OrderBy String If no sort value is provided, results are sorted by PublishedDate in descending order.
PageNumber Number The requested page number of the data result. If no value is provided, the default value is 1.
PageSize Number The requested page size of the data result. The maximum page size is 150. If no value is provided, the default value is 10.

Example Response

  "pageCount": 0,
  "currentPage": 0,
  "totalRecords": 0,
  "data": [
      "creationDate": "2025-02-13T16:36:29.523Z",
      "lastModifiedDate": "2025-02-13T16:36:29.523Z",
      "patchGroupId": "string",
      "patchGroupName": "string",
      "patchIds": [
      "version": 0

Output Data Properties

The following set of data items represent a patch result that will be returned as part of a successful patch-group_get response.




creationDate String Date-time The date that the patch group was created.
lastModifiedDate String Date-time The date that the patch group was last modified.
patchGroupId String Guid The unique ID of the patch group.
patchGroupName String   The patch group name.
patchIds String[] Guid The collection of unique patch IDs that correspond to this patch group. The Patch endpoint can be used to query for additional details about the patch IDs.
version Integer Int32 The current version of the patch group.

Default Filter and Sort Behavior

The API will not return all records. If no filter and sort criteria are provided, this endpoint returns all patch group data from the last 60 days based on last modified date.