Endpoint: devices

For all the device GET APIs, the responses returned by the API corresponds to the device state at the last device check-in.

HTTP Method

GET Devices

Request URI


Example response

"@odata.count": 526,
"value": [
"DisplayName": "MJW11AG2SU4",
"DiscoveryId": "AYk_dW1-0weDRYMasUNP",
"DeviceName": "MJW11AG2SU4",
"Network": {
"TCPIP": {
"Address": ""
"OS": {
"Version": "Windows 11",
"Name": "Windows 11"
"System": {
"Model": "VMware7,1"
"DisplayName": "MJW10EPMAGSU2",
"DiscoveryId": "AYk_eQLmx5p5BYeS8cr_",
"DeviceName": "MJW10EPMAGSU2",
"Network": {
"TCPIP": {
"Address": ""
"OS": {
"Version": "Windows 10",
"Name": "Windows 10"
"System": {
"Model": "VMware7,1"
"@odata.nextLink": "https://people-and-device-inventory.p.rapidapi.com:443/api/apigatewaydataservices/v1/devices?$filter=contains( OS/DisplayName, 'Windows')&$scrollID=DnF1ZXJ5VGhlbkZldGNoAgAAAAAZ5IErFktkY0lFTnpsU25pWkpKMExuVGJHdEEAAAAAGsyatRZwNlROU3hjVFFidWdtN1VpRW}

HTTP Method

GET Devices Metadata

Request URI


Example response

The responses are available in XML format, and the OData metadata describes the device object and its properties and attributes.