PingFederate - OIDC Protocol

Ivanti Neurons currently offers the option of selecting PingFederate as the external authentication provider for your tenant. PingFederate centralizes the end user log on experience, reduces the occurrence of password related calls to the help desk, and produces granular controls over policies and audit trails.

Configure & Enable External Authentication

Ensure that Contract Fulfillment field in Applications > OAuth > Access Token Mappings > IdP Adapter: PingOneIdpAdapter > Access Token Mapping includes email, given_name, and family_name user attributes.

Configure Auto Provisioning

Enabling auto provisioning will automatically grant access to Ivanti Neurons for all members within the PingFederate Application Registration without having to go through the manual invite process. When a new member logs in for the first time, a new Ivanti Neurons Platform account will be provisioned in Ivanti Neurons > Members. All new auto-provisioned members will be granted the access control roles defined in the set up.

Once enabled, you can edit default access control roles and disable auto provisioning. These changes will only apply to members provisioned after the modifications and will not affect existing members.

Enabling auto-provisioning grants all PingFederate Application Registration users access to Ivanti Neurons. You can restrict access to certain users or groups from within the PingFederate Application.

(Optional) Update Client Secret (Ivanti Neurons Platform)

If the PingFederate client secret is due to expire, you need to set a new one to continue using this authentication method.

  1. In Ivanti Neurons Platform navigate to Setup Authentication.
    The Authentication page appears.

  2. In the External Authentication section, click Actions > Update client secret.
    Update Client Secret page appears.

  3. Enter the new Client secret obtained from the PingFederate application and paste in the Client secret value field of the In Ivanti Neurons Platform.

  4. Click Continue to validate the Client secret.

  5. On the Validate New Client Secret page, click Validate Client Secret. A new tab opens on your organization’s sign-in page.

  6. Enter your PingFederate credentials and click Sign On.

  7. On the Request for Approval page, ensure the following are selected:





  8. Click Allow.

    If successful, return to this wizard and continue to update the client secret.
    If unsuccessful, verify that the new client secret entered is correct. For other failure reasons see Validation Troubleshooting.

  9. Return to the Validate New Client Secret page and select the check box to confirm login success.

  10. Click Continue to proceed to the Save New Client Secret page.

  11. Click Save changes to complete the process.
    A notification confirming the successful update of client secret is received.

(Optional) Delete Authentication Method (Ivanti Neurons Platform)

  1. In the Ivanti Neurons Platform, navigate to Admin > Authentication.
    The Authentication page appears.

  2. In the External Authentication section, click Actions > Delete authentication method.
    The Delete External Authentication screen appears.

  3. Click Sign Out & Re-authenticate.
    Ivanti Neurons is signed-out.

  4. Click Sign in with email and password.

  5. Enter the credentials and click Sign In.

  6. Navigate to Admin > Authentication > External Authentication, then click Actions > Delete authentication method.
    Delete External Authentication screen appears.

  7. Click Delete Authentication Method.
    The existing authentication method is now deleted.