App Templates

App Templates is a way of grouping files which can be used when creating configurations. A collection of files are added to a template, the template can be assigned to a rule when creating or editing an App Control configuration. The files can then be edited individually once added to the configuration. Some of the file properties are rule specific so can only be set once the template has been added to a configuration. For more detail see App Control Configurations.

Out-of-the-box templates are provided for common file groupings, such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, Google Chrome, these templates can be edited - files added or removed, but they cannot be renamed or deleted.

The App Templates page lists the names of all existing templates, the date it was created and last modified, and the email of the creator and modifier. All columns can be sorted and filtered.

You can select the Actions menu to Edit or Delete a template.

Once the template has been used in a configuration there is no ongoing association, so if you edit or delete a template, the configuration that used it is unaffected.

Create an App Template

To create an app template do the following:

  1. Navigate to App Control > App Templates.
    The App Templates page appears.
  2. Select + Create app template.
    The Create app template page appears.
  3. Enter the Name and Description for the template.
  4. Click +Add file to start adding files to the template.
    The Rule Item Settings panel appears.
  5. In File, enter the file or path that you want to add to the template. The rule item will only apply to files matching the specified properties.
    You can use wildcards to match multiple files. For example: C:\Program Files\*.exe will match all .exe files in the Program Files folder. Accepted file types are exe, bat, cmd, vbs, wsf, js, msi, msp, ps1, and reg.
  6. Complete any additional rule properties as required. Learn more about Properties.
  7. Complete any metadata for the rule as required. The rule item will only apply to files matching the specified metadata. Learn more about Metadata.
  8. Click Save to add the file to the template.
  9. The file appears in the table.
    You can edit or delete any file in the table.
  10. Click Save to create and save the template.
  11. The new template appears in the App Templates table.
    You can edit or delete any template in the table.
  12. The template can now be selected when creating a new allow, deny, or elevate rule.