
Use the External Attack Surface > Reports page to generate a PDF report on assets and exposures. Reports can include data from all workspaces or only data from a single workspace that you select. Generating a report can be helpful when you need to share EASM data with others in your organization who may not have access to Ivanti Neurons.

There are two report types available. The Executive Summary Report briefly summarizes discovered assets and exposures. The Detailed Workspace Report includes all assets and exposures and is much larger.

The reports list will indicate whether the report status is In Progress or Complete. Reports can take a while to generate. In progress reports can be canceled. Once the report status is complete, use the action menu on the right to either Download it or Delete it.

The report includes information in many categories, including these:

  • Attack surface overview
  • Asset distribution
  • Key exposures
  • Technology stacks
  • Exposures and remediations by risk vector
  • Data leaks
  • Networking, cloud, email, and application security