Manage Seeds
Use the External Attack Surface > Manage Seeds page to manage the seeds that EASM is monitoring. Adding a seed lets Ivanti’s internet exposure crawler start assessing that seed’s attack surface. There is no agent installation required.
As EASM gathers data, associated asset and exposure information will show on the Assets and Exposures pages and in the rest of EASM. This can take up to an hour or so.
Seed types that you can add include:
- Domains (subdomains will automatically be crawled also)
- Hosts
- URLs
- APIs
- Netblocks
- ASNs (Autonomous System Numbers)
Seeds that you add must be accessible from the public internet, since that is where Ivanti’s vulnerability crawler operates. You can add seeds for organizations on the internet other than yours, but note that asset and exposure data gathered from those seeds will be part of your attack surface assessment.
To add a seed, select the Add seed button, select the Asset type, enter the Seed name, and select the workspace you want the seed to be a part of. You can add as many seeds as you need. Ivanti's exposure crawler uses the seed name to locate the internet resource you are adding. If the seed name is not resolvable, the exposure crawler will not be able to find it.
To move assets from one workspace to another, select the assets you want to move and then select the Move button. Select the Destination workspace and enter a reason for the move. Moving an asset to a different workspace also moves all data and exposures associated with that asset. It can take a few minutes for the assets you selected to move.
Removing a seed removes its asset and exposure data from EASM. To remove a seed, use its options menu and select Remove seed.
Managing the seed blocklist
There may be seed domains that your organization does not want EASM to crawl for legal, policy, or other reasons. EASM has an API that you can use to manage your tenant's seed blocklist.
The EASM API support includes:
- Adding seeds to the blocklist
- Removing seeds from the blocklist
- Listing seeds on the blocklist
If a user tries to add a seed domain that is on the blocklist, they will see a message that the seed is blocked and the Add seed button will be disabled until they add a valid seed.
The EASM API is documented here.