Using the Resource’s Master File

To fully use GoldMine’s resource scheduling features, enter a resource record for all items in your organization that two or more users may use at the same time. Commonly requested resources include conference rooms, projectors, demonstration products, and company vehicles.

1. Select Tools > Configure > Company ResourcesClosedCommonly requested items such as: conference rooms, projectors, demonstration products, company vehicles.. The Resources’ Master File appears.

Name: Displays the abbreviated name for the resource such as OVERHEAD or MEETROOM. This is the name used when scheduling the resource. Can be any unique alphanumeric sequence up to eight characters in length. No 2 resources can have the same Name.

Code: Displays the alphanumeric identification to use for purposes such as the resource location, serial number, or other relevant information. This field is primarily used to group resources together.

Description: Provides a description of the resource such as Bell and Howell 35mm Film Projector.

CustodianClosedThe person responsible for the resource: Displays the name of the user responsible for the resource.

2. Click New or Edit to add a resource or edit information about the resource. The Resource Profile dialog box appears.
3. Click Delete to remove resources.
4. Click View Schedule to show current reservations for the resources. The Resources) Activity ListClosedA list of task or event information displayed in a set of tabs. dialog box appears.
5. Click Close to save changes and close the dialog box.