Setting Digital IDs in Contact Details

If a contact uses a digital ID when sending you e-mail, configure the contact's record with the ID information.

To Set Digital IDs

1. With the contact record active in GoldMine, select Edit > Record Properties > Contact Details.
2. At the Contact Details dialog box select the Digital IDs tab.
3. Click Import to add a contact's digital ID file to the GoldMine contact record.
4. At the Import Digital IDClosed Digital signature and encryption keys sent with email messages dialog box, at the Filename field type or browse to the *.p7b or *.cer certificate file you are importing.

In the Name field, type the name to display.

5. Click OK to return to the Digital IDs tab.
6. To export the file to another location, click Export and select a location.
7. To review the certificate details, click View.

To remove a digital ID, highlight the ID and click Delete.