Printing Envelopes and Labels

Use the same method as for printing letters, memos, and faxes. Set up GoldMine to print envelopes or labels for documents waiting in a print queue on the same date GoldMine generates the queued documents.

1. To check on queued correspondence in GoldMine’s Literature Fulfillment Center, select Go To > Literature.
2. To print envelopes or labels when queued documents are printed, select Go To > Literature.
3. Select the folder under Queued Documents corresponding to the date the queued correspondence is scheduled to be sent. For example, if the letters are scheduled to be printed later in the current week, select This Week.
4. In the upper-right area, right-click each queued document for which to print an envelope or label. From the local menu, select Print Envelopes or Print Labels.

GoldMine displays the Print Envelopes dialog box or the Print Labels dialog box that contain the same commands.

5. In the Print Envelopes dialog box, select the contacts for whom to print envelopes, then select the envelope template to use. By default, GoldMine displays your templates. However, look in the User drop-down list and select a (public) template or another user’s template.