Contact Management
GoldMine uses the contact record (contact) as the core component to which all information is tied. When a contact is added to GoldMine's database, a contact record is created. It contains such basic information as name, address, and telephone information about a person or company you keep in contact with. The record's many fields record pertinent and updated information, always making the newest information available to GoldMine users working with the contact.
NOTE: The default view for contact records is the Contact List view. Double-click on a contact to open that contact record.
The contact record has two basic sections:
■ Upper section. Contains standard contact information such as name, address and telephone numbers, and five user-definable fields. This part of the screen is the primary contact information because it displays the company's name and the name of the company's primary contact. It is common to complete the rest of the contact record with information related to the primary contact of that company.
■ Lower part. Organizes secondary information, such as Relationships, notes, pending activities, and history records, into Contact tabs storing information linked to the contact record. For contact tab information, see About the Relationships Tab.
Each record also has a set of associated customizable properties:
■ Record-related Settings. Phone number format, record ownership, and alerts. For more information, see About the Relationships Tab.
■ Contact Details. Occasions, free/busy, and digital IDs. For more information, see Working with Contact Details.