Import and Export Dashboards
GoldMine Dashboards are created using an XML Acronym for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a universal format that uses tags for exchanging structured documents and data on the Internet. file format. Any Dashboard that you export creates an XML file containing all the required components to recreate the Dashboard, including the Category and Name. Similarly, any Dashboard you import must be in an XML format.

1. | Click the Dashboards button on the Navigation Pane, or select Go To > Dashboards from the menu. |
2. | Click the Design button on the Dashboard toolbar. |
3. | Enter a Category and Name for the imported Dashboard. |
4. | Click OK to view the blank Dashboard canvas. |
5. | Click the Import button on the Dashboard tool bar. |
6. | Browse to the location of the XML file that you want to import. |
7. | Select the file from the list and then click the Open button. |
NOTE: If the name of the Dashboard contained in the XML file matches a Dashboard you already have, a warning message displays. Click Yes to overwrite the existing Dashboard or No to cancel the import.
The contents from the imported file populates the blank Dashboard canvas.
8. | Click the Save button on the Dashboard toolbar. |
9. | Click the View button on the Dashboard toolbar to view the Dashboard. |

1. | Click the Dashboards button on the Navigation Pane, or select Go To > Dashboards from the menu. |
2. | Click the Design button on the Dashboard toolbar. |
3. | Enter a Category and Name for the new Dashboard. |
4. | Click OK to view the blank Dashboard canvas. |
5. | Click the Export button on the Dashboard tool bar. |
6. | Browse to the location where you want to save the file. |
7. | Enter a name for the file and then click the Save button on the Dashboard tool bar. |