Adding a Label
The Label Dashboard Part is typically used to add heading and other title text on the Canvas. Additional functionality can be set to the label, but for this example the Label will be used strictly as reference text on the Dashboard.
Adding the Label requires that you first add the Label Dashboard Part and then set the Label Properties.
1. | Click and drag the Label Dashboard Part from the Palette to the upper-left corner on the canvas. |
2. | Use the Arrow keys on the keyboard to move the Label, or place the cursor on the part and then click and drag the part to refine the location. |
NOTE: You can use the canvas’ grid points to help align the various components on the Canvas.
3. | Adjust the shape by placing the cursor over any of the resize points around the active Dashboard Part, then click and drag the resize point to the desired size. |
4. | Click the Label Dashboard Part to select it. |
5. | In the Properties pane, make the following changes: |
○ BackColor: Window
○ Font: Arial, 12, Bold
○ Horizontal Align: Left
○ Multiline: False
○ TextColor: RoyalBlue.
○ Vertical Align: Top
○ DataBinding: False,,,,,0
○ Name: label1
○ Text: Sample Dashboard
○ Value: <blank>
○ Anchors: False, False, False, False
6. | Click the View button to preview the Label. |
7. | Click the Design button to return to the Designer. |
8. | Make any changes to the size or position of the Label and preview it again until satisfied. |