Synchronizing Domain Users

When no domain controller exists to generate a user list for the Synchronize Domain task, you must add domain servers and computer users to the user list manually.

You can add workgroup computers to a domain using the Synchronize Domain Members tool.

  1. From the Management Console, select Tools > Synchronize Domain Members.
    The Synchronize Domain dialog opens.
  2. Enter the name of a domain.
  3. To authenticate to the network as a different user, click the Different user name option.
    The Connect As… dialog opens.
  4. Enter the user name, including domain name, for the local user of the computer you want to synchronize with the domain.
  5. Enter the password for the local computer user.
  6. Click OK.
    The Connect As… dialog closes.
  7. Click OK.
    The Synchronize Domain dialog closes.

The user name for the specified is computer added to the database, so you can assign local user access rights. The synchronization results are shown in the Output panel of the Management Console.

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