AntiVirus Dashboard Widgets

There are three dashboard widgets which can be enabled to provide an at-a-glance indication of the overall status of the AntiVirus module. Each of these widgets is actionable, in that the administrator can click on the widget to drill down to obtain the associated detailed information from which the widget is derived:

Endpoints with Unresolved AntiVirus Alerts

This widget identifies the number of endpoints which have malware which the AntiVirus engine has quarantined or has been unable to clean. These represent malware which requires prompt action and is useful in terms of prioritizing malware response.

Top 10 Infected Endpoints

This widget identifies which endpoints have got the greatest number of malware infections and is useful in prioritizing endpoints requiring remediation or follow-up security training.

Top 10 Virus/malware Threats

This widget identifies the most prevalent malware that has been detected in your environment and is useful in terms of understanding how malware is getting into your environment enabling you to take steps to reduce the associated attack vectors.