Create Temporary Exclusions for False Positives

In the event that a file which has been quarantined is a false positive rather than malware, it is safe to restore this file. However, because the current set of AntiVirus definitions consider this file to be malware, it will be immediately returned to quarantine once it is restored. Once the AntiVirus definitions have been updated to address the false positive, the quarantined file will be automatically restored. This correction will generally take place on the next set of AntiVirus definitions which are released (i.e. within about 12 hours).

However, if it is necessary to restore the quarantine file prior to the new set of definitions being made available, this can be achieved by adding an exclude for this file to the AntiVirus scan policies. The file can then be restored successfully. Once the definitions have been updated to address this false positive, the exclude should then be removed.