Phase 2: Discover

In the discovery phase, endpoints are scanned to identify any dormant, known malware and remove it from the endpoints.

  1. Schedule Scan
    Conduct a thorough AntiVirus scan to remove any dormant malware on your endpoints.
  2. Schedule the scan to execute out of hours, where possible, to minimize any productivity impact.
  3. Communicate with your users so they understand why this scan is being performed.
  4. Review Scan Progress
    Use the Deployments & Tasks page to understand when the Scan Task has completed.
  5. Use Custom Scan to assess external drives.

In this section we describe how you would scan your endpoints using AntiVirus. As this is the very first time these endpoints are being scanned with AntiVirus, the recommendation is to perform a thorough scan to ensure that any dormant malware (e.g., malware buried within archives) is identified and removed.

A thorough AntiVirus scan could take an extensive amount of time to complete so you should schedule the scan to execute out of hours, if possible, to minimize any user disruption. If the scan is executed during working hours, ensure that you communicate with the affected users so that they are aware of what is happening.