Email Notifications

Email notifications can be established to alert the administrator of unusual malware activity. There are three different situations which can cause an email notification to be sent. See the image below.

Failed to Clean, Quarantine, Delete Virus Malware

This notification is used to indicate that malware has been detected which the AntiVirus module has been unable to remediate. While this malware has been prevented from executing, it is still present on the endpoint and needs to be removed or remediated. Thresholds can be defined to determine when email notifications should be sent. Because this notification represents malware which needs a prompt response, the threshold levels should be set very low so that an email is sent whenever this activity is detected. If the administrator receives emails too frequently, the threshold settings can be adjusted to reduce the frequency.

AntiVirus Alert Summary

It is also possible to get a daily or weekly email summary of the overall AntiVirus module status which can be used as a daily or weekly reminder of the AntiVirus remediation tasks which need to be performed. Depending on your preferences and security posture, this could be used as an alternative to either of the other email notifications.