Caching Proxy Requirements Checklist

Before you begin, make sure you have the following on hand:


  • A dedicated server that will function as your Caching Proxy.

  • A hard disk with a low random seek time (3ms or less) and large disk cache.

  • Large amount of RAM. We recommend 32 MB of RAM for every GB of disk space.

Third-party software

  • Download Squid 3.5.x for Microsoft Windows from Currently only a 64-bit version is available.

    Diladele B.V. releases new versions of the Squid Caching Proxy MSI regularly. You can use any 3.5.x version but only versions 3.5.18 through 3.5.20 were officially tested to be compatible with Endpoint Security.

  • Notepad++ or similar text editor .

  • An Htpasswd Generator to encrypt user names and passwords.