Building a Patch

Patch creation involves many stages. The process includes creating the initial properties and completing the signature details.

The process of creating a patch is as follows:

  1. Create Patch Properties.
    Create the initial properties of the patch. This includes the name, vendor selection, impact determination, status, and the description to be viewed within the Ivanti Endpoint Security.
  2. Create Signature.
    Create and define the signature. It recognizes specific combinations of installed software in an operating system. Patches usually contain multiple signatures to compensate for variances within applications.
  3. Create Fingerprint.
    Create and define the fingerprint. A fingerprint can represent a unique file, folder, registry key, or other data value somewhere within a system. Each signature can contain one or more fingerprints, which detects if a patch is present in the system.
  4. Create Package.
    Create and define the package. Each package contains the script commands to install the package files or run the executable that installs the patch. Every signature can have only one package associated with it.
  5. Create Prerequisite.
    Create and define the pre-requisite. Adding pre-requisites to a signature requires the pre-requisite be met before analyzing the signature.