Defining Access Rights

After Patch and Remediation is installed, new access right are added to the system. When creating new roles or editing existing ones, you can assign these new Patch and Remediation access rights.

To edit your roles, open the Users and Roles page (Tools > Users and Roles), select the Roles tab, and create a new role or edit an existing one.

New access rights are added when you install new modules.

Access Right





administrator role icon


View Dashboard

Access to view the home page dashboard.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View Current Status

Access to view the status of the server.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View AV Widgets

Access to select and view the AntiVirus Dashboard widgets.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View LAC Widgets

Access to select and view the Application Control Dashboard widgets.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View PR Widgets

Access to select and view the Patch and Remediation Dashboard widgets.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View DC Widgets

Access to select and view the Device Control Dashboard widgets.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View MDM Widgets

Access to select and view the Mobile Device Management Dashboard widgets.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon


View Discovery Scan Jobs

Access to view discovery scan jobs.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Create Discovery Scan Jobs

Access to create and copy discovery scan jobs

administrator role icon manager role icon

View Agent Management Jobs

Access to view agent management jobs.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Create Agent Management Jobs

Access to create and copy agent management jobs.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Manage Modules via Jobs

Access to install or uninstall agent modules using agent management jobs.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Manage Jobs

Cancel, pause, resume, delete or merge all jobs the user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Jobs

Export the jobs list.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Vulnerabilities/Patch Content

View Content

Access to vulnerability and other content data.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Content

Enable and disable vulnerabilities and other content.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Content

Export vulnerability and other content data list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View Content Details

Access the detailed information for vulnerabilities and other content data.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View My Custom Patch Lists

Access to view custom patch lists that this user has created.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View All Custom Patch Lists

Access to view custom patch lists that all users have created.

administrator role icon

Manage Custom Patch Lists

Edit, delete or copy custom patch lists that this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon


View Application Control Event Logs

Access to view reports containing application execution content.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Application Control Event Logs

Access to create reports containing application execution content.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Application Control Event Logs

Access to export reports containing application execution content.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View Dev Ctl Event Logs

Access to view logs containing device usage events.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Dev Ctl Event Log Queries

Access to create, edit, and delete device control log queries.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Dev Ctl Event Logs

Access to export logs containing device usage events.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View Device Control Audit Logs

Access to view reports containing device control audit events.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage Device Control Audit Logs

Access to manage reports containing device control audit events.

administrator role icon

Export Device Control Audit Logs

Access to export reports containing device control audit events.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Alerts & Centralized Quarantine

View AV alerts

Access to view AntiVirus Virus and Malware Event Alerts page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage AV alerts

Access to delete AntiVirus alerts.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export AV alerts

Access to export AntiVirus alerts.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View AV Centralized Quarantine

Access to view AntiVirus Centralized Quarantine page

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage AV Centralized Quarantine

Access to delete and restore files from Centralized Quarantine

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon


View Endpoints

Access the manage endpoints all tab.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage All Tab

Enable and disable agents, delete endpoints, manage agent modules, and wake endpoints.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export All Tab

Export the all tab endpoints list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage Remotely

Access the remote management options available.

administrator role icon manager role icon

View AV Tab

Access the AntiVirus tab.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage AV Tab

Install, uninstall, enable and disable the AntiVirus module.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export AV Tab

Export the AntiVirus tab endpoints list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View LAC Tab

Access the Application Control tab.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage LAC Tab

Install, uninstall, enable and disable the Application Control module.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export LAC Tab

Export the Application Control tab endpoints list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View PR Tab

Access the Patch and Remediation tab.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage PR Tab

Install, uninstall, enable and disable the Patch and Remediation module.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export PR Tab

Export the Patch and Remediation tab endpoints list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View DC Tab

Access the Device Control tab.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage DC Tab

Install, uninstall, enable and disable the Device Control module.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export DC Tab

Export the Device Control tab endpoints list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Download Agent Installers

Access to the Download Agent Installers page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage Agent Version

Access to the Manage Agent Version dialog.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Scan Now Discover Applicable Updates

Scan endpoints using the DAU Scan Now Dropdown/button.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Scan Now Virus and Malware Scan

Scan endpoints using the AntiVirus Scan Now Dropdown/button.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Reboot Endpoints

Reboot endpoints using the Reboot Now button.

administrator role icon


View Inventory

View the endpoint inventory.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Export Inventory

Export the endpoint inventory list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon




View Groups

Access the groups.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Groups

Add, edit, enable, disable, and delete groups.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Groups

Export the groups list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon


View Users

Access the user groups.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Users

Add or remove users from individual user policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Users

Export the user groups list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Deployments and Tasks

Create Deployments

Ability to create new deployments.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View My Deployments and Tasks

Access the deployments and tasks that this user has created.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View All Deployments

Access the deployments that all users have created.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View All Virus and Malware scan tasks

Access the Virus and Malware Scan Now tasks that all users have created.

administrator role icon

Manage Deployments and Tasks

Deploy, enable, disable, abort, and delete deployments and tasks that this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Export Deployments and Tasks

Export the deployments and tasks in the list that this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon


View Packages

Access the package data.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Packages

Create, edit, and delete packages.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Packages

Export the package data list.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Cache Packages

Ability to download packages from the GSS onto the local machine.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Agent Policy Sets



View All Agent Policy Sets

Access the agent policy sets.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage All Agent Policy Sets

Create, edit and delete agent policy sets.

administrator role icon

Export All Agent Policy Sets

Export the agent policy sets list.

administrator role icon manager role icon

AntiVirus Policies

View centralized AV Policies

View AntiVirus policies centrally.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage centralized AV Policies

Create, edit, enable, disable, and delete centralized AntiVirus policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Assign and remove centralized AV Policies

Assign and remove centralized AntiVirus policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export centralized AV Policies

Export centralized AntiVirus policy list.

administrator role icon manager role icon

View Group/Endpoint AV Policies

View AntiVirus policies at user-assigned groups and endpoints.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Group/ Endpoint AV Policies

Create, edit, enable, disable, and delete AntiVirus policies from user-assigned groups and endpoints.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Assign Group/Endpoint AV Policies

Assign and remove AntiVirus policies from user- assigned groups and endpoints.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Group/Endpoint AV Policies

Export AntiVirus policy lists for user-assigned groups and endpoints.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Application Control Policies

View Group/Endpoint/ Users AC Policies

View Application Control policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Group/ Endpoint AC Policies

Create Application Control policies in the context of groups and endpoints.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Assign Group/Endpoint AC Policies

Assign and unassign Application Control policies in the context of groups and endpoints (unassign only for users).

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Group/Endpoint/ Users AC Policies

Export Application Control policy lists in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon

View Centralized AC Policies

View Application Control policies centrally.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Centralized AC Policies

Create, edit, enable, disable, copy, and delete centralized Application Control policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Assign Centralized AC Policies

Assign and remove centralized Application Control policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Centralized AC Policies

Export centralized Application Control policy list.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Device Control Policies

View Group/Endpoint/ User DC Policies

View Device Control policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage Group/ Endpoint/User DC Policies

Create Device Control policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon

Assign Group/ Endpoint/User DC Policies

Assign and unassign Device Control policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Group/Endpoint/ User DC Policies

Export Device Control policy list in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

View Centralized DC Policies

View Device Control policies in Manage > Device Control Policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage Centralized DC Policies

Create, edit, enable, disable, and delete Device Control policies in Manage > Device Control Policies.

administrator role icon

Assign Centralized DC Policies

Assign and unassign Device Control policies in Manage > Device Control Policies.

administrator role icon

Export Centralized DC Policies

Export Device Control policy list in Manage > Device Control Policies.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Mobile Policies

View Group/Endpoint/ User Mobile Policies

View MDM policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Manage Group/Endpoint/User Mobile Policies

Create MDM policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon

Assign Group/Endpoint/User Mobile Policies

Assign and unassign MDM policies in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Group/Endpoint/ User Mobile Policies

Export MDM policy list in the context of groups, endpoints, and users.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Application Library

View Application Library

Access to view the application library page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Application Library

Access to create, edit, move, delete, assign and remove applications / application groups.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Application Library

Access to export application information from application library.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Security Configuration Management

View SCM Data

Access to view SCM data on the endpoint detail and groups views.

administrator role icon


Reports Administer

Generate reports regardless of access rights for groups and endpoints.

administrator role icon

View My Core Reports

Generate core reports only for those items this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View My AV Reports

Generate AntiVirus reports only for those items this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View My PR Reports

Generate Patch and Remediation reports only for those items this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View My LAC Reports

Generate Application Control reports only for those items this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

View My PM Reports

Generate PM reports only for those items this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon

View My DC Reports

Generate Device Control reports only for those items this user has access to.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Export Reports

Export the generated reports.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Configure Enterprise Reporting (ER)

Configure settings to manage Configure Enterprise Reporting (ER)

administrator role icon


View Users

Access the users and roles list view.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Users

Create, delete, enable, and disable users and roles.

administrator role icon

Export Users

Export the users and roles list.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Change Password

Ability to change the password for users other than themselves.

administrator role icon

Manage Server Modules



Installation Manager

Access the Installation Manager to install, update and uninstall server modules.

administrator role icon




View Subscription

Access the subscription service information.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Subscription

Edit or update subscription service updates.

administrator role icon

Export Subscription

Export the subscription service information.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Directory/Computer Synchronization

View Directory Sync Schedule

Access to view the active directory sync schedule page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Directory Sync Schedule

Create, edit, delete, enable, disable directory syncs.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Export Directory Sync Schedule

Export the directory sync schedule lists.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon

Device Control Tools and Options

Recover Password

Access the Tools > Device Control > Recover Password function.

administrator role icon

Grant Temporary Permissions

Access the Tools > Device Control > Grant Temporary Permissions function.

administrator role icon

Email notifications

View Email Notifications

Access the email notifications page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Email Notifications

Create and edit email notifications and settings for core feature. Note: All types of notifications may be deleted with this right.

administrator role icon

Manage AV Email Notifications

Create and edit AntiVirus email notifications and settings.

administrator role icon

Manage PR Email Notifications

Create and edit Patch and Remediation email notifications and settings. Note: All types of notifications may be deleted with this right.

administrator role icon

Export Email Notifications

Export the emails notifications list.

administrator role icon manager role icon


View Options

Access to general, agent and deployment default server options.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Options

Set and edit general, agent and deployment default server options.

administrator role icon

Export Options

Export the options list.

administrator role icon manager role icon

View Global DC Options

View Device Control tab of the Tools > Options page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Global DC Options

Manage the settings on the Device Control tab of the Tools > Options page.

administrator role icon

View MDM Options

View Mobile Mgmt tab of the Tools > Options page.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage MDM Options

Manage the settings on the Mobile Mgmt tab of the Tools > Options page.

administrator role icon

Technical Support



View Technical Support

Access the technical product support information.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Export Technical Support

Export the technical product support information.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon


View Licenses

Access the product licenses.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage Licenses

Update product licenses.

administrator role icon

Export Licenses

Export the product license information.

administrator role icon manager role icon

Device Library



View DC Library

Access to view the Device Control library.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon guest role icon

Manage DC Library

Access to create, edit, move, delete, and assign Device Control Library collections.

administrator role icon

Export DC Library

Access to export Device Control information from library.

administrator role icon manager role icon operator role icon