Working with Options

From each Options page tab, you can define default behavior for different Ivanti Endpoint Security features.

Configuring the General Tab

Configure this tab to define how user interface, password, and report display options behave. Configure the General tab from the Options page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Options.
  2. Ensure the General tab is selected.
  3. Define the UI options.
    These options define general user interface behavior.
    1. Select a value from the Default number of rows page list (25, 50, 100, 200, 500). This option defines the default number of rows that display in list pages.
    2. Select a value from the Cache timeout list (5, 10, 15, 20, 30).
      This option defines the maximum number of minutes data is held in the memory before it needs to be reloaded from the database.
    3. Select a value from the Session timeout list (20, 40, 60, 80, 100).
      This option defines the number of minutes before a repeat login is required due to inactivity.
    4. Select or clear the Activate automatic IP grouping in the Groups view check box.
      This option creates groups organized by IP address in the Groups page Browser named IP Collection.
    5. Define an Enhanced Reports Url.
      This option is used to define the URL of your custom reports Web page, if one is used in your environment. However, you can enter any URL you want. This URL can be opened by selecting Reports > Enhanced Reports from the Navigation Menu.
  4. Define the Password options.
    This option defines the number of days prior to a required password change (as controlled by Windows) that a notification displays. Type a value in the Display notification x days prior to password expiration field. A value of 0 disables password expiration.
  5. Define the Discovery and Agent Management Job logging options.
    These option control what information is recorded during Discovery Scan Jobs and Agent Management Jobs. Complete the following sub-steps:
    1. Select a Logging Level. Logging levels include:
      • Trace
      • Diagnostic
      • Information
      • Warning
      • Error
      • Critical
    2. Select the check boxes for the desired Include common troubleshooting information for options.
      Options include:
      • Agent Management
      • Discovery
      • SOAP
  6. Define the Report and display options.
    These options control formatting options for PDF reports. Perform the step(s) required to define each option.

    Tip: The Default item available in each Report and display options returns the applicable option to the last saved value.

    1. Select a value from the Date format list.
      This option defines the date format displayed in text-based and graphical reports.
    2. Select a value from the two Time separator options.
      This option defines the character used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds in reports. This option also defines the time notation used in reports.

      The Time format field previews your Time separator selections.

    3. Select a value from the Paper size for reports list
      This option defines how reports are formatted for printing.
  7. Define Security Configuration Management (SCM) options.
    Click the Modify button adjacent to Manage Benchmarks. For additional information, refer to Using the Configuration Policy Manager.
  8. Click Save.
    The General tab configuration is saved.

Configuring the Agents Tab

Configure this tab to define default agent behavior. Settings include agent installation settings, communication settings, and agent version settings.

Configure the Agents tab from the Options page. After installing Patch and Remediation, configure the new communication, DAU, ISAPI, and agent version options that are added.

  1. Select Tools > Options.
    The Options page opens.
  2. Select the Agents tab.
  3. Define the Agent Installation options.
    These options define the default values for Agent Management Jobs.
    1. Select a value from the Timeout list (1 - 30 minutes).
      This option defines the number of minutes before a job times out because the endpoint does not respond.
    2. Select a value from the Number of retries list (1 - 10).
      This option defines the number of attempts a job retries if initial and subsequent installations fail.
    3. Select a value from the Number of simultaneous installs list (1-25).
      This option defines the number of agents that can be installed or uninstalled simultaneously during a job. A value of 1 configures jobs for serial installations.
    4. Type a value in the Server identity field.
      This field defines the default text entered in the Server Identity field during jobs. Identity is the name endpoints list as their server. Type identity in one of the following formats:
      • computername
    5. Select a Scan method for pre-selected targets option:
      These buttons define how endpoints select from a page list are added to the job Targets list. The options include:
      • IP Address
      • Computer Name
  4. Define the Communication options.
    To define these options, complete the following sub-steps.
    1. Type a value in the Agents should be shown offline when inactive for field (0 - 9999).
      This option defines the time period (in minutes, hours, or days) before an endpoint status changed to offline because it has not checked in with your sever. Disabled and un-installed agents are not considered offline. A value of 0 disables this option.
    2. Select a value from the Agents should be shown offline when inactive for list. Select from the following values:
      • Minute(s)
      • Hour(s)
      • Day(s)
    3. Select a Stand alone Patch agent uniqueness based on option.
      These options define how the server identifies patch agents during communication (Patch and Remediation only). Select from the following options:
      • Endpoint name
      • Instance
  5. Define the Discover Applicable Updates (DAU) Options.
    These options determine whether endpoints perform a DAU task following system actions. Select or clear the following options:
    • DAU should be run after subscription replication
    • DAU should be run after inventory change
  6. Define the Absentee agent deletion option.
    This option defines when an uncommunicative endpoints are removed the Web console and system database. Type a value in the Delete absentee agent after x Days field (0 - 999) Days. A value of 0 disables the option.
  7. Define the ISAPI communication options.
    1. Select a Concurrent agent limit option. If you select Custom setting, type the number of threads you want to simultaneously allow to your database (5-256).
    2. Select a Connection timeout option. If you select Custom setting, type the number of seconds that you want to consider an ISAPI thread considered timed out (5-300).
    3. Select a Command timeout option. If you select Custom setting, type the number of seconds that you want an ISAPI command considered timed out (5-900).
  8. Define the Agent Versions options.
    These options define the agent versions that are available for installation during when working with the following system dialogs:
    • The Manage Agent Versions Dialog
    • The Download Agent Installers Dialog
    • The Install Agents Wizard
    1. Select a value from the Windows 7 and newer agent version.
    2. Select a value from the Linux, Unix, & Mac agent version (Patch and Remediation only).

    Because the agent is updated regularly, Agent Versions option list values change frequently. Additionally, when selecting agent version options, remember the following information:

    • Newest Available means only the latest agent version is available for installation.

      This option only defines which agent version is available when working with the Manage Agent Versions dialog, the Download Agent Installers dialog, or the Install Agents Wizard. It does not automatically install newly released agent versions on network endpoints. To ensure the newest agent version is installed on network endpoints, you must manually define the latest version. For additional information, refer to Upgrading Endpoints.

    • Agent Version only list items mean only that agent version is available for installation.
    • Agent Version + list items mean that agent version and all version that supersede it are available for installation.
  1. Click Save.
    The Agents tab configuration is saved.

Configuring the Deployments Tab

Configuring this tab defines default setting for the Deployment Wizard. Selecting frequently used values from this tab leads to faster completion of the Deployment Wizard when deploying content.

Configure the Deployments tab from the Options page.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Tools > Options.
  2. Select the Deployments tab.
  3. Define the Deployments defaults options. Complete the following sub-steps.
    1. Type a value in the Maximum number of deployments that can run simultaneously field. This option defines the number of endpoint that can simultaneously download deployments.
    2. Type a value in the Maximum number of simultaneous Discover Applicable Updates (DAU) task field.
      This option defines the number of endpoint that can simultaneously run the DAU task.
    3. Type a value in the Maximum number of reboot tasks that can run simultaneously field. This option defines the number of endpoints that can simultaneously run the reboot task.
    4. Type a value in the Maximum number of simultaneously mandatory baseline deployments field.
      This option defines the number of endpoints that can simultaneously download Mandatory Baseline deployments.
    5. Type a value in the Maximum number of times a deployment will be consecutively attempted field.
      This option defines the number of failed deployment attempts allowed before the deployment is disabled. This option does not apply to Mandatory Baseline deployments. This option also disables the deployment for endpoints yet to retrieve.
  4. Define the Notifications defaults options. Complete the following sub-steps.

    Tip: You can type a maximum of 1000 characters in each field.

    1. Select or clear the User notification should always be on top check box.
      This option forces all notification dialogs to display on top of other windows.
    2. Type the desired message in the Manual installation field.
      This option defines the default message that displays when an endpoint receives a package requiring manual installation.
    3. Type the desired message in the May reboot field.
      This option defines the default message that displays when an endpoint receives a package that may require the recipient to reboot.
    4. Type the desired message in the Default deployment message field.
      This option defines the default message that displays with a deployment notification.
    5. Type the desired message in the Default reboot message field.
      This option defines the default message that displays with a reboot notification.
  5. Define the User Interface option.
    Select a How should Deployment Wizard Start Times be displayed? option.
    • Agent Local Time (Deploy at local time for each individual node)
    • Agent UTC Time (Deploy at UTC time for each individual node)
  6. Click Save.
    The Deployments tab configuration is saved.

Exporting Option Data

To export the options settings that are listed on any Options page tab to a comma separated value (.csv) file, click the Export button. Exporting data lets you work with that data in other programs for reporting and analytical purposes.

For additional information, refer to Exporting Data.