Common Functions

Ivanti Endpoint Security uses standard Web browser conventions and unique conventions. Familiarize yourself with these conventions to facilitate efficient product use.

From the Navigation Menu and system pages, you can access all features and functions you are authorized for.

Common Conventions

The Web console supports user interface conventions common to most Web applications.

Screen Feature


Entry Fields

Depending on text, type data into these fields to either:

  • Retrieve matching criteria
  • Enter new information

Drop-Down Menus

Display a list of selectable values when clicked.

Command Buttons

Perform specific actions when clicked.

Check Boxes

A check box is selected or cleared to:

  • Enable or disable a feature
  • Initiate functions for list items

Some lists include a Select All check box for selecting all items, including overflow items.

Radio Buttons

Select the button to select an item.


Data presented in tables can be sorted by clicking column headers. Columns can be sort in the following orders:

  • Ascending (default)
  • Descending

Mouse overs

Move your mouse over an item to display a text description.

Auto Refresh

Some pages feature an Auto Refresh check box. Select the check box to automatically refresh the page every 15 seconds.

Scroll bars

Drag scroll bars to see additional data.


Select different tabs to display hidden information.

Bread Crumb

Displays the path to the page you are viewing. The breadcrumb lists:

  • The page you are viewing
  • Its parent page (if applicable)
  • The Navigation Menu item used to open the page

If the breadcrumb contains a link, you can click it to retrace your steps.

Most pages support right-click.

The Navigation Menu

This menu appears on all Ivanti Endpoint Security pages. Use this menu to navigate through the console.

This menu organizes product features based on functionality. When you select a menu item, a new page, dialog, wizard, or window opens. You can access all system features from this menu (that your access rights authorize).

The menu items available change based on modules you install.




Opens the Home page. This link contains no menu items.


Contains menu items related to running discovery scan jobs.


Contains menu items related to reviewing security content and discovery scan jobs.


Contains menu items related to managing system features.


Contains menu items related to creating reports.


Contains menu items related to system administration.


Contains menu items related to help systems.

Most navigation menus contain items. The following table lists each menu item in the Discover menu and the actions that occur when they are selected.

Menu Item



The Discover Assets dialog.

Assets and Install Agents...

The Install Agents dialog.

Assets and Uninstall Agents...

The Uninstall Agents dialog.

The following table lists each menu item in the Review menu and the actions that occur when they are selected.

Menu Item


Asset Discovery Job Results

Opens the Job Results page, which is filtered to display discovery job results.

Agent Management Job Results

Opens the Job Results page, which is filtered to display Agent Management Job results.

The following table lists each menu item in the Manage menu and the actions that occur when they are selected.

Menu Item



Opens the Endpoints page.


Opens the Groups page.
Agent Policy Sets

Opens the Agent Policy Sets page.

The following table lists each menu item in the Reports menu and the actions that occur when they are selected.

Menu Item


All Reports

Opens the All Reports page.


Opens the All Reports page with configuration reports expanded.


Opens the All Reports page with inventory reports expanded.

Policy and Compliance

Opens the All Reports page with policy and compliance reports expanded.

Enhanced Reports

Opens a custom, user-defined URL. This URL is usually used to open a third- party reporting Web page.

The following table lists each menu item in the Tools menu and the actions that occur when they are selected.

Menu Item


Users and Roles

Opens the Users and Roles page.

Change My Password...

Opens the Change My Password dialog.

Download Agent Installer...

Opens the Download Agent Installer dialog opens over the currently selected page.

Launch Installation Manager...

Opens the Installation Manager in a new window.

Subscription Updates

Opens the Subscription Updates page.

Email Notifications

Opens the Email Notifications page.


Opens the Options page.

The following table lists each menu item in the Help menu and the actions that occur when they are selected.

Menu Item


Help Topics...

Opens the Help page.

Knowledge Base...

Opens the Ivanti knowledge base.

New Users Start Here...

Opens the New Users Start Here page.

Technical Support

Opens the Technical Support page.

Product Licensing

Opens the Product Licensing page.


Opens the About dialog.

Any unavailable or absent menus, menu items, or sub-menu items are due to restricted access rights or unavailable modules. Contact your network administrator if you require access to unavailable features.

List Pages

Most pages feature lists of selectable items. These items represent different product features that can be edited using menus and buttons.

To select a single list item:

  • Select a check box.
  • Click a list row.

To select multiple list items:

  • Select the Select All check box.
  • Select multiple, concurrent items by using SHIFT+Click and mousing over list rows.


Toolbars appear on most Web console pages. They contain menus and buttons you can use to initiate page features.

  • The menus and buttons displayed vary according to page.
  • Click the available menus and buttons to use them.
  • User roles determine which buttons are available.

The Options Menu

Toolbars feature an Options menu. You can use these options to change how the page displays information.



Show results on page load

Toggles automatic page results on and off.

  • When enabled, the page list automatically populates with results.
  • When disabled, you must define page filters and click Update View before results populate. For more information, see Filters.
Save as default view

Saves the current page settings as the default view.

Clear default view

Resets the saved view to the system default.

Show Filter Row1

Toggles the Filter Row on and off. For additional information, refer to Using Filter Rows.

Show Group By Row2

Toggles the Show Group By Row on and off. For additional information, refer to Group By.

Enable Copy to Clipboard3

Toggles the ability to select text for clipboard copy.

  1. This option title changes to Hide Filter Row when toggled.
  2. This option title changes to Hide Group By Row when toggled.
  3. Selecting this option disables other features, such as right-click context menus and list item dragging.


Filters appear on most list pages. You can use them to search pages for specific data.

Depending on which page you are viewing, you can filter pages using one of the following features. Only one feature appears per page.

  • Filters
  • Filter Row

Filters appear above page lists. They feature different fields, lists, and check boxes used for filtering. Filters vary according to page.

You can save frequently used filter settings as your default view. To save your settings, select Options > Save as default view from the toolbar. The toolbar Options menu contains the following options for filtering.



Show results on page load

Automatically retrieves and displays results when selected.

Save as default view

Saves the active filter and sort criteria as the default view for the page.

  • The default view displays each time the page is accessed, including the following events:
    • Browsing to a different page.
    • Logging out of the Web console.
  • The default view is saved until you save a new one or you clear it.
Clear default view

Resets a saved default view to the system default view.

Filter Rows

Filter rows appear in the lists themselves. Rows feature a field for each column.

  • Filters are not case sensitive.
  • Columns can be filtered using a variety of data types. For example, you can use a Contains filter or a StartsWith filter.
  • Date columns filter at the lowest level of granularity. Higher levels of granularity return no filter results.

Supported Wildcards

When searching for or filtering vulnerabilities, you can use wildcards to make search results more specific and efficient.

Wildcards can be used anywhere within the search string. The following table lists the supported operators and wildcards in Ivanti Endpoint Security. Type any wildcards that you intend to use in the Name or CVE-ID field.





Any string. The string can be empty or contain any number of characters.

Typing Microsoft%Server in the Name or CVE- ID field returns any vulnerability with the words Microsoft and Server in any part of the name, such as:

  • MS12-043 Security Update for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 32-Bit Edition (KB2687497)

  • The 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 3 (SP3), 32-bit Edition (KB2526299)

_ (underscore)

An underscore can be used as a Wildcard placeholder for any single character.

Typing _itrix or Citri_ in the Name or CVE-ID field returns any vulnerabilities with Citrix in the name.

[ ]

Any single character within the brackets. You can also type a range ([a-f]) or set ([acegik]).

Typing [m]ic in the Name or CVE-ID field returns vulnerabilities with the string mic within the name (Microsoft and Dynamic).

Typing 200[78] in the Name or CVE-ID field returns vulnerabilities with 2007 or 2008 within the name.


Any single character not specified within the brackets. You can also type a range ([^a-f]) or set ([^acegik]).

Typing M[^i]cro in the Name or CVE-ID field returns results that:

  • Replace i with all remaining alphanumeric and symbolic characters (a, $, and so on).
  • Include all other characters remaining in the string (m, c, r, o).

    Results would include Macro, Mecro, M$cro, and so on.

    If a vulnerability contains Micro and a valid combination like Macro in its name (e.g. MS99-999 Microsoft Word 2010 Vulnerability Could Enable Macros to Run Automatically), it will be returned in the results.

Using Filters

When list pages are overpopulated with items, use filters to search for specific list items. Use this feature to filter list pages by criteria specific to the page.

Filters are available on most list pages.

  1. Select a list page. For additional information, refer to List Pages.
  2. Ensure filters are displayed.
    If filters are not displayed, click Show Filters.
  3. Define filter criteria.

    Available filters differ by page:
    In filter fields, type the desired criteria.
    From filter lists, select the desired list item.

  4. If applicable, select the Include sub-groups check box.

    This check box only appears on list pages related to groups.

  5. Click Update View.
    The list is filtered according to the filter criteria.
  6. [Optional] Save the filter criteria by selecting Options > Save as default view from the toolbar.
Using Filter Rows

Some list pages use filter rows rather than filters. Use these rows, which are the first row of applicable lists, to filter column results. Filter column results to search for specific list items.

These rows appear on several list pages.

  1. Select a page featuring the filter row.
  2. Ensure the filter row is displayed.
    1. If the filter row is not displayed, select Options > Show Filter Row from the toolbar.
  3. Type criteria in a filter row field.
  4. Apply a filter type.
    1. Click the Filter icon.
      A menu opens.
    2. Select a filter type.
      The following table describes each filter type:
    3. Type



      Removes previously applied filtering.


      Returns results that contain the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that do not contain the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that start with the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that end with the value applied to the filter


      Returns results equal to the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that are not equal to the value applied to the filter.

      Greater Than

      Returns results that are greater than the value applied to the filter.

      Less Than

      Returns results that are less than the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that are greater than or equal to the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that are less than or equal to the value applied to the filter.


      Returns results that are between two values. Place a space between the two values.


      Returns results that are not between two values. Place a space between the values.


      Returns results that are empty.


      Returns results that are not empty.


      Returns results that have no value.


      Returns results that have a value.


      • Filters are not case sensitive.
      • Date columns filter at the lowest level of granularity. Higher levels of granularity return no filter results.
      • The availability of filtering options depends on the type of data displayed in the column. For example, filtering options that can only apply to numeric data are available in columns that contain text data.
  5. The list column is filtered according to the criteria. If desired, repeat the process to filter additional columns.

Group By

The Group By row lets you sort list items into groups based on column headers. Use this feature to see which list items share similarities.

To use the Group By row, ensure Options > Show Group By Row is selected from the toolbar, and then drag a column header into the row. You may drag multiple columns to the row, but you may only drag one column into the row at a time.

To ungroup the list, right-click on the row and select Cancel All Groupings. To hide the Group By row, select Options > Hide Group By Row.

Expanding and Collapsing Structures

Certain structures in the Web console are expandable and collapsible. Expand structures to view additional information or options. Collapse them to conserve screen space.
Click available Plus icons (+), Minus icons (-), and Rotating Chevron icons (>) to expand or collapse a structure.

Advancing Through Pages

When a list page contains an overflow of items, pagination links are created to manage the overflow. Click these links to advance through list items.

The number of list items and the page you are viewing determines the number of pagination links.

Pagination Feature Functions:

Icon or Link



Final Page Link

Advances to the final page of list items.

First Page Link

Returns to the first page of list items.

Next Ten/Previous Ten Pages Link

Displays the next ten or previous ten page links available. Fewer page links will display if the remaining list items cannot populate ten pages.

Pagination Links

Advances or returns to the selected pagination link.

Each page also features a Rows Per Page Drop-Down List. This list modifies the number of list items displayed on a single page (25, 50, 100, 200, 500).


Ivanti Endpoint Security contains context-sensitive HTML help that includes feature explanations, step- by-step procedures, and reference materials.

Accessing Help differs according to context.

  • From a page, select Help > Help Topics.
  • From a dialog, click the Question Mark icon (?).

Use the following features to navigate through Help:

  • From the Content tab, expand the bookmarks and click links to display Help topics.
  • From the Search tab, type criteria in the Keywords field and click Search to display Help topics related to your search.

Exporting Data

On many system pages, you can export the listed data to a comma-separated value file (.csv) available for use outside of the Web console. Use this exported data for management purposes (reporting, noting trends, and so on).

You can export data from a variety of pages.

Important: The Enhanced Security Configuration feature for Internet Explorer suppresses export functionality and must be disabled to export data successfully. Pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer or other supported browsers may also suppress export functionality and should be disabled.

  1. Open a system page or dialog that you can export information from.
  2. [Optional] Use the page filters to refine the items listed.
  3. Click Export.
    The File Download dialog opens.
  4. Use the browser controls to complete the data export.
    The data is exported. All data results export, including data on overflow pages.