Common Functions

Ivanti Endpoint Security uses standard Web browser conventions and unique conventions. Familiarize yourself with these conventions to facilitate efficient product use.
From the Navigation Menu and system pages, you can access all features and functions you are authorized for.

Common Conventions

The Web console supports user interface conventions common to most Web applications.

Screen Feature


Entry Fields

Depending on text, type data into these fields to either:

  • Retrieve matching criteria
  • Enter new information

Drop-Down Menus

Display a list of selectable values when clicked.

Command Buttons

Perform specific actions when clicked.

Check Boxes

A check box is selected or cleared to:

  • Enable or disable a feature
  • Initiate functions for list items

Some lists include a Select All check box for selecting all items, including overflow items.

Radio Buttons

Select the button to select an item.


Data presented in tables can be sorted by clicking column headers. Columns can be sort in the following orders:

  • Ascending (default)
  • Descending


Move your mouse over an item to display a text description.

Auto Refresh

Some pages feature an Auto Refresh check box. Select the check box to automatically refresh the page every 15 seconds.


Drag scrollbars to see additional data.


Select different tabs to display hidden information.

Bread Crumb

Displays the path to the page you are viewing. The breadcrumb lists:

  • The page you are viewing
  • Its parent page (if applicable)
  • The Navigation Menu item used to open the page

If the breadcrumb contains a link, you can click it to retrace your steps.

Most pages support right-click.

The Navigation Menu

This menu appears on all Endpoint Security pages. Use this menu to navigate through the console.

This menu organizes product features based on functionality. When you select a menu item, a new page, dialog, wizard, or window opens. You can access all system features from this menu (that your access rights authorize).

The menu items available change based on modules you install.

The Home menu takes you to The Home Page. It contains no menu items.

Mobile Device Management adds new Navigation Menu items.

Any unavailable or absent menus, menu items, or sub-menu items are due to restricted access rights or unavailable modules. Contact your network administrator if you require access to unavailable features.

The Page Banner

A page banner displays when the page is added for a new module. Use this banner to identify the module that the page belongs to.

For example, pages for Ivanti Patch and Remediation display a Patch and Remediation page banner. Page banners are color-coded by module.

List Pages

Most pages feature lists of selectable items. These items represent different product features that can be edited using menus and buttons.

To select a single list item:

  • Select a check box.
  • Click a list row.

To select multiple list items:

  • Select the Select All check box.
  • Select multiple, concurrent items by using SHIFT+Click and mousing over list rows.


Example of a toolbar: Manage Agents
Toolbars appear on most Web console pages. They contain menus and buttons you can use to initiate page features.

  • The menus and buttons displayed vary according to page.
  • Click the available menus and buttons to use them.
  • User roles determine which buttons are available.

The Options Menu

Toolbars feature an Options menu. You can use these options to change how the page displays information.



Show results on page load

Toggles automatic page results on and off.

  • When enabled, the page list automatically populates with results.
  • When disabled, you must define page filters and click Update View before results populate. For more information, see Filters.

Save as default view

Saves the current page settings as the default view.

Clear default view

Resets the saved view to the system default.

Show/Hide Filter Row

Toggles the Filter Row on and off. For additional information, refer to Using Filter Rows.

Show/Hide Group By Row

Toggles the Show Group By Row on and off. For additional information, refer to Group By.

Enable Copy to Clipboard

Toggles the ability to select text for clipboard copy. Selecting this option disables other features, such as right-click context menus and list item dragging.


Filters appear on most list pages. You can use them to search pages for specific data.
Depending on which page you are viewing, you can filter pages using one of the following features. Only one feature appears per page.

Group By

The Group By row lets you sort list items into groups based on column headers. Use this feature to see which list items share similarities.

To use the Group By row, ensure Options > Show Group By Row is selected from the toolbar, and then drag a column header into the row. You may drag multiple columns to the row, but you may only drag one column into the row at a time.

To ungroup the list, right-click on the row and select Cancel All Groupings. To hide the Group By row, select Options > Hide Group By Row.

Expanding and Collapsing Structures

Certain structures in the Web console are expandable and collapsible. Expand structures to view additional information or options. Collapse them to conserve screen space.

Click available Plus icons (+), Minus icons (-), and Rotating Chevron icons (>) to expand or collapse a structure.

Advancing Through Pages

When a list page contains an overflow of items, pagination links are created to manage the overflow. Click these links to advance through list items.

The number of list items and the page you are viewing determines the number of pagination links.

Icon or Link



Final Page Link

Advances to the final page of list items.

First Page Link

Returns to the first page of list items.

Next Ten/Previous Ten Pages Link

Displays the next ten or previous ten page links available. Fewer page links will display if the remaining list items cannot populate ten pages.

Pagination Links

Advances or returns to the selected pagination link.

Each page also features a Rows Per Page Drop-Down List. This list modifies the number of list items displayed on a single page (25, 50, 100, 200, 500).


Endpoint Security contains context-sensitive HTML help that includes feature explanations, step- by-step procedures, and reference materials.

Accessing Help differs according to context.

  • From a page, select Help > Help Topics.
  • From a dialog, click the Question Mark icon (?).

Use the following features to navigate through Help:

  • From the Content tab, expand the bookmarks and click links to display Help topics.
  • From the Search tab, type criteria in the Keywords field and click Search to display Help topics related to your search.

Exporting Data

On many system pages, you can export the listed data to a comma-separated value file (.csv) available for use outside of the Web console. Use this exported data for management purposes (reporting, noting trends, and so on).

You can export data from a variety of pages.

Important: The Enhanced Security Configuration feature for Internet Explorer suppresses export functionality and must be disabled to export data successfully. Pop-up blockers in Internet Explorer or other supported browsers may also suppress export functionality and should be disabled.

  1. Open a system page or dialog that you can export information from.
  2. [Optional] Use the page filters to refine the items listed.
  3. Click Export.
    The File Download dialog opens.
  4. Use the browser controls to complete the data export.
    The data is exported. All data results export, including data on overflow pages.