Device Control at a glance

Learn the basic concepts, functions, and terminology you require to be proficient in the use of Ivanti Device Control.


  • Protect valuable organization and customer data from loss or theft via removable devices/media.
  • Require end users to encrypt data being copied to removable devices / media in compliance with policy and regulation.
  • Monitor all files being transferred onto / off your network by file metadata or the patented bi- directional full file shadowing capability.
  • Add another layer to your defense-in-depth strategy to protect against USB-borne malware introduction / propagation.

Key terms

device class: A group of physical devices or device drivers that have similar characteristics and that can be managed in a similar manner.

device collection: A group of target devices that can be managed in a similar manner.

file shadowing: A feature that tracks the data read, written to, or written from a device. Depending on the configuration, either copies of the files are created or only filenames are recorded.

portable encryption: The encoding of data on a portable device or media into a form in which meaning cannot be assigned without the use of a confidential process or key.