The Home Page
The entry point to Ivanti Endpoint Security is the Home Page. From this page you can view the dashboard, which features drag-gable widgets that display information about Ivanti Endpoint Security and agent-managed endpoints.
Some widgets display general information about the system, others provide links to documentation, and still others summarize activity for Ivanti Endpoint Security modules you are licensed for.
The Dashboard
The dashboard displays widgets depicting the activity on your protected network. Located on the Home page, the dashboard provides convenient information you can use to ensure your network protection is up to standard. Additionally, you can customize the dashboard to display the widgets most applicable to your network environment.
Widget graphs are generated based on the latest data and statistics available from endpoints, groups, module-specific data, and so on.
The following Dashboard widgets are available:

This widget displays the installation and licensing stats of each agent module.
A graph bar displays for each installed module. The following table describes the widget graph.
Graph Bar Color Descriptions:
Bar Color |
Description |
Blue |
The number of endpoints with the module pending install or uninstall. |
Green |
The number of endpoints with the module installed. |
Red |
The number of endpoints without the module installed. |
Tip: Click the graph to open the Endpoints page.
Endpoints with an agent version that does not support a module are not counted.

This widget displays all agents grouped by agent status.
Agent Status Widget Fields:
Field |
Description |
Online |
The number of agents that are online. |
Offline |
The number of agents that are offline. Tip: Offline status is determined by the amount of time since the agent last communicated as determined on the Options page. |
Disabled |
The number of agents that are disabled. |
Total Agents |
The total number of agents in your environment. |
Tip: Click the graph to open the Endpoints page. The page is filtered to display all agents.

This widget displays the number of endpoints capable of hosting agents discovered in the latest Discovery Scan Job. The endpoints are classified in to two groups: endpoints with agents and endpoints without agents.
Discovery Scan Results: Agents Widget Fields:
Field |
Description |
As of |
The name of the Discovery Scan Job used to generate the widget graph and statistics. This job is the job most recently run. |
Endpoints with agents |
The number of agent-compatible endpoints discovered that have agents installed. |
Endpoints without agents |
The number of agent-compatible endpoints discovered that have no agents installed. |
Endpoints |
The total number of agent-compatible endpoints discovered. |
Tip: Click the widget to open the Results page for the most recently run Discovery Scan Job.

This widget contains information about the last five completed discovery scan jobs. Each job name is a link to the associated Result page.
Last 5 Completed Scan Jobs Widget Columns:
Column |
Description |
Name |
The job name. Click the name to open the Results page for the job. |
Completed Date |
The date and time the job completed on the server. |
Status |
The status of the completed job. |

This widget displays important announcements and other information in Ivanti Endpoint Security.
Click a link to view additional details about an announcement.

This widget displays information about the next five pending discovery scan jobs.
Next 5 Pending Scan Jobs Widget Columns:
Column |
Description |
Name |
The job name. Click the link to view the Discovery Scan Jobs page Scheduled tab. |
Scheduled Time |
The date and time the job is scheduled for on the server. |
Tip: Click a job name link to view the Discovery Scan Jobs page Scheduled tab.

This widget lists your serial number, number of licenses available, number of licenses in use, and information about current license usage and availability.
Server Information Widget Fields:
Field Name |
Description |
Company |
The company your server is registered to as defined during installation. |
Serial Number |
The license number (serial number) assigned to your server. |
License Replication |
The subscription status between your server and the Global Subscription Service (GSS). |
System Replication |
The system replication status between your server and the GSS. |
Product Licenses Table Columns:
Column |
Description |
Product Module |
The module for which you purchased licenses. |
In Use |
The number of module licenses in use. |
Pending |
The number of licenses pending use or pending removal. Licenses pending removal become available upon removal completion. |
Available |
The number of licenses available. |
A license expiration notice displays if all available licenses are expired.
Dashboard Setting and Behavior Icons
Setting and behavior icons are UI controls used to manage the dashboard. Click these icons to maximize, minimize, hide, and refresh the dashboard and widgets.
The following table describes each icon action.
Widget Setting and Behavior Icons:
Icon |
Action |
Opens the Dashboard Settings dialog. |
Opens the dashboard in print preview mode. |
Collapses the associated widget. |
Expands the associated collapsed widget. |
Hides the associated widget. |
Refreshes the associated widget (or the entire dashboard). |
Not all widgets contain Refresh icons.
Previewing and Printing the Dashboard
When viewing the dashboard, you can reformat it for printing. This reformat omits the Web site header and footer, reorganizing the dashboard to display only the selected widgets, making it ideal for printing.
- From the Navigation Menu, select Home.
- Click
The dashboard print preview opens in a new Web browser window. - [Optional] Use your Web browser controls to print the dashboard.
Editing the Dashboard
You can customize how widgets are arranged and prioritized. Edit the dashboard to display only the widgets useful in your environment.
Edit the dashboard from the Dashboard Settings dialog.
- From the , select Home.
- Click
The Dashboard Settings dialog opens. - Choose which widgets you want to display on the dashboard.
- Select widget check boxes to display them.
- Clear widget check boxes to hide them.
- Prioritize the widgets in the desired order.
- Click
to increase a widget priority.
- Click
to decrease a widget priority.
Highly prioritized widgets are more prominently placed.
- Click
- Display or hide widget descriptions.
- Click
to display descriptions.
- Click
to hide descriptions.
- Click
- Choose a widget layout.
- Click
to display widgets in two columns.
- Click
to display widgets in three columns.
- Click
- Click OK.
Your dashboard settings are saved. The Home page displays the selected widgets in the priority you defined.
The System Alert Pane
The System Alert pane displays information about changing conditions in your environment. This pane alerts you to required actions and links to related help topics.
The System Alert pane displays in the dashboard and shows the number of alerts that require your attention.
The following functions can be found in the System Alert pane.
Option |
Description |
Pin (icon) |
Docks the System Alert pane. Clicking this icon again collapses it. |
Pagination Links |
Allows you to navigate between alerts. For more information, see Advancing Through Pages. |
Action Link |
Opens the appropriate application page, external Web page, or context-sensitive help topic, depending on the action specified in the alert. |
Don't show this again (check box) |
Collapses the System Alert pane. The alert shown in the System Alert pane when this check box is selected will no longer be shown. |
OK (button) |
Collapses the System Alert pane. |
- Dismissing a notification dismisses the notification only for the logged in user. The notification still displays for others.
- The system automatically dismisses alerts as you complete their related actions, regardless of whether you dismiss the alerts.
License Expiration
When licensing for a module expires, the module behavior changes. All functionality is restored when the licensing is renewed.
When a subscription expires, the module history and configuration is retained. No work is lost when the module is renewed.
License Expiration Scenario and Events:
Scenario |
Event(s) |
Server Module Expiration |
Endpoint Module Expiration |
- You can view subscription service history from The Subscription Updates Page.
- You can also view license information from The Product Licensing Page.
To reactivate your licenses following renewal, open the Subscription Updates page and click Update Now. Your server replicates updated subscription information. The page refreshes when the update completes, and all previous module functionality is restored.
For more information about renewing or adding licenses, contact Ivanti Sales Support.