Understanding Agent Installation Methods

You can install the Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent on your network using a variety of methods.

Network administrators should carefully consider which method to use when installing the agent as each method has its own unique steps. The following table describes each installation method.

Installation Method


Agent Management Job

Benefits in using this method:

  • Using this method you search for endpoints in your network and then install the agent on network endpoints based on criteria you define.
  • You complete the Agent Management Job within the Ivanti Endpoint Security Web console using an easy-to-use wizard.
  • Using this method eases administrative workload, since you do not have to install agents locally on endpoints.
  • Using this method you may uninstall the agent on network endpoints based on criteria you define.

Important: This method only supports endpoints that contain a Windows operating system. Refer to the Command Line method to install an agent on an endpoint that has a supported Mac, Linux, UNIX, or Mac operating system.

Install Wizard

Benefits in using this method:

  • This method utilizes an easy-to-use installation wizard to install a single agent on an endpoint.
  • This installation method is useful if you are unfamiliar with using the command line prompt to install a single agent on a network endpoint.
  • The agent is installed using an installation wizard and accessed using a graphical user interface via the Control Panel.
  • The installer for Windows uses the familiar EXE file format.
  • This method supports Windows only.

Command Line

Benefits in using this method:

  • You may use command line to install the agent.
  • You may complete silent installs when using a command line parameters. When using silent installs using a command line, the installation of the agent can be run unattended (without user interaction).
  • This install method supports an endpoint that has one of the following operating systems:
    • Windows
    • Linux, UNIX, or Mac

Other Methods

Third-Party Software: In some environments, customers may prefer to use third-party software, such as PsExec, to install the agent.

Golden Image: In networks making substantial use of golden images, which are compressed operating system archives that are entirely installed and configured according to an organization's specifications, network administrators may benefit from adding the Ivanti Endpoint Security Agent to their image.

Attention: These installation methods are not documented in this guide. For additional information on these installation methods, contact Support..

Supported operating systems listed in this topic are generalized for each operating system. Before installing the agent on an endpoint, ensure its operating system is supported by referring to Supported Endpoint Operating Systems.