Service Manager powered by HEAT

Using the Clipboard Data Plugin

This topic only applies to Ivanti Service Manager on-premise users.

About the Clipboard Data Plugin

Installing the Clipboard Data Plugin on the Server

Manually Installing the Clipboard Data Plugin

Manually Uninstalling the Clipboard Data Plugin

About the Clipboard Data Plugin

The clipboard data plugin allows users to copy and paste text between applications. You can install the clipboard data plugin on a server and it installs silently to clients.

f you use the clipboard data plugin with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11 or with other browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, the plugin has a preview area where you can preview the image or text that is being pasted from the clipboard. However, if you use the clipboard data plugin with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9 or version 10, the plugin does not have this preview area.

Installing the Clipboard Data Plugin on the Server

1.On the server, copy the file called npClipboardDataPlugin.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\plugins\.

2.Register the file by using the following command: regsvr32 /s "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\plugins\npClipboardDataPlugin.dll".

3.To ensure that the clipboard data plugin is installed correctly, go to Tools > Manage Add-on.

Clipboard Data Plugin Installation Check

Users automatically have access to the clipboard data plugin without further action.

Manually Installing the Clipboard Data Plugin

1.Unzip the file called C:\Program Files\HEATSoftware\HEAT\AppServer\lib\SWFUpload\

2. Copy the file called npClipboardDataPlugin.dll to c:\windows\Downloaded Program Files\npClipboardDataPlugin.dll.s.

3. Register the file by using the following command: regsvr32 /s "c:\windows\Downloaded Program Files\npClipboardDataPlugin.dll".

4.Restart your browser.

After installation, the clipboard data plugin download does not appear, but the clipboard data plugin works.

Users can push the zip file, script, and instructions using client deployment tools such as HEAT DSM or Microsoft SCCM.

These instructions have been verified with Microsoft Internet Explorer Release 9 and 11 on Windows 7, Windows 2008R2, and Windows 2012.

Manually Uninstalling the Clipboard Data Plugin

1.Unregister the clipboard data plugin by using the following command: regsvr32 /s /u "c:\\windows\Downloaded Program Files\npClipboardDataPlugin.dll".

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