Service Manager powered by HEAT

Using the GetCategoryTemplates Web Method

Returns the list of request offerings in the Service Catalog for the given category.

Request Syntax

public FRSHEATGetTemplatesResponse GetCategoryTemplates(string sessionKey, string tenantId, string categoryid, string searchString)


  • sessionKey: The session key from the Connect web method.
  • tenantId: The tenant for which the session key is authenticated.
  • categoryId: The RecID of the category in the Service Catalog from the GetCategories web method.
  • searchString: A substring for determining the matching request offerings.

Return Value

FRSHEATGetTemplatesResponse object, defined as follows:

public class FRSHEATGetTemplatesResponse


public string status { get; set; }

public string exceptionReason { get; set; }

public List<FRSHEATServiceReqTemplateListItem> srtList { get; set; }


The FRSHEATGetTemplatesResponse class has the following fields:

status: Provides a status about the state of the connection. The table below contains a full description of the available status values.

exceptionReason: Contains exception information, if the system throws an exception when running this web method.

srtList: Contains a list of FRSHEATServiceReqTemplateListItem objects, each of which represents the request offering matching the search criteria.

The FRSHEATServiceReqTemplateListItem class is defined as follows:

public classFRSHEATServiceReqTemplateListItem


public string strRecId;

public string strName;

public string strDescription;

public string strSubscriptionId;


The FRSHEATServiceReqTemplateListItem class has the following fields:

strRecId: The RecID corresponding to the request offering.

strName: The name of the request offering.

strDescription: The description for the request offering.

strSubscriptionId: The subscription ID.

The following table lists the available status values and describes how to interpret them.




Successfully retrieved the list of request offerings in the Service Catalog. This list is available in the srtList field.


An error was encountered during the execution of this web method.  Inspect the corresponding exceptionReason field to determine why the web method has failed.


FRSHEATGetTemplatesResponse getTemplatesResponse = frSvc.GetCategoryTemplates(authSessionKey, tenantId, categoryid, searchString);


if (getTemplatesResponse.status == "Success")


foreach (FRSHEATServiceReqTemplateListItem srTemplateListItem in getTemplatesResponse.srtList)


Console.WriteLine("Request Offering: {0} {1}", srTemplateListItem.strSubscriptionId, srTemplateListItem.strName);



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