Service Manager powered by HEAT

Using the ReadAttachment Web Method

Reads the data of a specific attachment record, given its RecID value.

Request Syntax

FRSHEATIntegrationReadAttachmentResponse ReadAttachment(string sessionKey, string tenantId, ObjectAttachmentCommandData commandData)


sessionKey: The session key from the Connect web method.

tenantId: The tenant for which the session key is authenticated.

commandData: A structure containing information about the attachment.

public class ObjectAttachmentCommandData


public string ObjectId;


ObjectId: RecID of the new attachment.

Return Value

FRSHEATIntegrationReadAttachmentResponse object, defined as follows:

public class FRSHEATIntegrationReadAttachmentResponse


public string status { get; set; }

public string exceptionReason { get; set; }

public byte[] attachmentData { get; set; }


The FRSHEATIntegrationReadAttachmentResponse class has the following fields:

status: Provides a status about the state of the connection. The table below contains a full description of the available status values.

exceptionReason: Contains exception information, if the system throws an exception when running this web method.

attachmentData: A byte array that contains the contents of the specified attachment.

The following table lists the available status values and describes how to interpret them.

Status Explanation

Successfully retrieved the attachment from the tenant. The attachment is available in the attachmentData field.


The tenant does not contain an attachment with the given name. Ensure that the name of the attachment is spelled correctly and that it exists.


An error was encountered during the execution of this web method.  Inspect the corresponding exceptionReason field to determine why the web method has failed.


byte[] AttachmentData;

const string fileName = "C:\\Temp\\test.png";


ObjectAttachmentCommandData data = new ObjectAttachmentCommandData()


ObjectId = "94069732037142E7BF3D81DB02128289", // RecId of the Attachment record



FRSHEATIntegrationReadAttachmentResponse response = frSvc.ReadAttachment(authSessionKey, tenantId, data);


if (response.status == "Success")


AttachmentData = response.attachmentData;


if (AttachmentData != null)


using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create))


using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs))


for (int i = 0; i < AttachmentData.Length; i++)








else if (response.status == "NotFound")


Console.WriteLine("The attachment record with the specified RecId, cannot be located in the tenant");




Console.WriteLine("Encountered the following error while reading the attachment from the record: " + response.exceptionReason);


Increasing the Size of Allowed Messages

For Microsoft .NET based web service clients, the application may run into the following error when retrieving large attachments, via the web service:

Communication exception occurred: The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded.

To increase the quota, configure the MaxReceivedMessageSize and MaxBufferSize attributes in the App.config file to accommodate the large attachment sizes for the Microsoft .NET client application that consumes the web service.  See the following example:

                <binding name="IPCMServiceSoap" closeTimeout="00:01:00" openTimeout="00:01:00" receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00" allowCookies="false" bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard" maxBufferSize="65536" maxBufferPoolSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="65536" messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" transferMode="Buffered" useDefaultWebProxy="true">



The size values above are represented in bytes.

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