Service Manager powered by HEAT

Improving System Performance

If your system or database is running slowly or the application data is not synchronizing correctly, you can perform some simple actions to clear things up.

Clearing the Cache

How Throttling is Used

Archiving and Deleting Log Data from the Ivanti Service Manager Databases

Indexing Business Objects

Measuring the Performance of Web Service Calls

Clearing the Cache

In this case, we mean the database cache (not the browser cache, although that might help some issues). Use this method if the metadata is not changing or updating.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Cache Management to open the Cache Management workspace.

2.To clear all cached items, click Remove all cache items. This action removes all queried items from the memory cache on all Ivanti Service Manager application servers.

3.To clear only validation lists, click Reset cached validation lists only. This action removes all static-data validation lists from the memory cache on all Ivanti Service Manager application servers. This does not affect dynamic validation lists (such as employee).

How Throttling is Used

About Throttling

For Cloud Implementations

For On-Premise Implementations

About Throttling

In Ivanti Service Manager, throttling is when the system intentionally slows the speed of web services. We use this process to regulate the network traffic and to minimize bandwidth congestion. When using web services, Ivanti Service Manager may limit the message rate, based on overall load. If you exceed the rate of 100,000 API calls per day, you may find your responses slowed to an appropriate rate. This helps ensure that you get a fair share of resources, and Ivanti can prevent unintended performance degradation from runaway integrations and denial of service attempts.

For more information about using the Ivanti Service Manager integration web services, see Working with the Ivanti Integration Web Service.

For Cloud Implementations

In Cloud implementations, the web services used by any one customer can affect the entire system, including other customers. Therefore, Ivanti Service Manager may reject or delay some or all of the web services. We recommend that you do not create web services using the ISM Discovery integration web services that send messages faster than one API call per second.

For On-Premise Implementations

In on-premise implementations, your web service use only affects your environment. If you exceed the recommended rate, you may see performance implications. You can adjust your implementation throttling thresholds. See the Installation and Deployment Guide for Ivanti Service Manager .

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