Service Manager powered by HEAT

Configuring SAP® Integration

About the SAP Integration

Editing the Service Desk Layout

Setting Up the Incident Priority Field

Creating and Linking the API Key to the Key Group

Adding SAP Integration Information

Configuring SAP® Solution Manager Settings

Configuring the SAP Solution Manager

Troubleshooting the SAP Solution Manager Integration

Reference Information

About the SAP Integration

Ivanti Service Manager supports the integration of SAP Solution Manager with Ivanti Service Manager. This allows you to synchronize incident messages created in SAP with Ivanti Service Manager. Basic authentication is used between the two systems.

After setting up the SAP integration, you can do the following:

Automatically replicate SAP incidents to Ivanti Service Manager (and vice versa from Ivanti Service Manager to SAP) based on team assignments.

Bidirectionally synchronize certain content for incidents, such as contact details, description, journal, and resolution information.

Verify or reject solutions between the systems (SAP and Ivanti Service Manager).

Close tickets and update the status of corresponding incident tickets. Users in both SAP and Ivanti Service Manager can view corresponding ticket numbers.

Create employees automatically in SAP Solution Manager and Ivanti Service Manager if the information does not already exist.

Multi-tenant support allows tenants to define their own SAP endpoints, authentication, and configuration.

Use the following checklist to ensure that you have completed all of the necessary steps to set up and configure your system for the integration from both Ivanti Service Manager and SAP Solution Manager.

Install the SAP package for Ivanti Service Manager

Ensure that the SAP integration package has been installed for your Ivanti Service Manager tenant or on-premise instance. For installation information, see Using the ISM Development Project and Creating a Package. After you create a project, you can import additional business objects to allow for integration.

  Ivanti Service Manager Configurations

Configure an employee team for SAP

See Creating a Team for more information.

Set up the Service Desk layout for SAP

Add the SAP incident details to the Ivanti Service Manager incident layout. See Editing the Service Desk Layout.

Map the SAP incident priority

This maps the SAP priority schema to the Ivanti Service Manager priority schema. See Setting Up the Incident Priority Field.

Create and link an API key to the key group

This allows other systems to communicate securely with Ivanti Service Manager using a defined user and a role. See Creating and Linking the API Key to the Key Group .

Add SAP integration information

Edit the information as indicated to allow for the integration. See Adding SAP Integration Information.

  SAP Solution Manager Configurations


Refer to the Knowledge Base article by InfiniSource for information about SAP configurations.

Editing the Service Desk Layout

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the Incident business object.

3.Click the Layouts tab.

4.Select the IncidentLayout.ServiceDesk layout. You can also edit the layouts that are being used to manage your Service Desk.

5.Click formView.

6.In the Child Panels section, click Add Child Panel.

7.For the new child panel, add the followng information:

Column Title Task

Display Name

The name of the new child panel.


The business object to which this child panel relates.


In the FormView Child Panel Relationship Editor dialog box, for the Direct Relationship field, select Incident (via To Itself). Click Save. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.


The forms related to this child panel. Under Use This Form, select IncidentDetails.SAPDetails and click OK.

Initially Visible

Specifies if this child panel is initially visible.


Since not all forms require SAP, you can hide the form until needed by entering false in the Expression Editor.

8.Set any other parameters as needed such as moving the tab (by dragging) to the desired location.

9.Click Save.

Setting Up the Incident Priority Field

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the Incident Priority business object.

3.Click the Fields tab.

4.Verify that the sapIncidentPriority field is available.

You will map this field to the Incident Priority form. If the field is available, continue to the next step.

5.Click the Forms tab.

6.Click the IncidentPriority form.

7.From the left pane, expand Incident Priority > Fields.

8.Drag the SAP Incident Priority field to the right pane. This maps the priority between the Ivanti Service Manager and SAP incidents.

9.Click Save.

Creating and Linking the API Key to the Key Group

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Security Controls > API Keys to open the API Keys workspace.

2.Click Add Key Group.

3.Enter a name (such as SAP Integration) and add a description.

4.Click Save Key Group.

5.Click Back to return to the API Keys workspace.

6.Select the key that you just created.

7.From the API Keys pane, click Add API Key.

8.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description


Contains information about the API key.

On Behalf of

Specifies the user who is used when SAP communicates with the API. This is usually the administrator.

In Role

Specifies the user role. This is usually the administrator.

9.Click Save Key.

10.Click Back to return to the API Keys workspace.

Adding SAP Integration Information

1.From the Configuration Console, click Extend > SAP Integration to open the SAP Integration workspace.

2.Enter the following information:

Field Description

Enter HEAT System Guid

The Ivanti Service Manager GUID. Enter the information from the SAP configuration.

Enter SAP Guid

The SAP GUID. Enter the information from the SAP configuration.

Select API Key

The API key. Enter the SAP integration API key that you created in Creating and Linking the API Key to the Key Group .

Basic Authentication to call HEAT Web Service (Used from SAP)
User Name

The user name to use with the integration. Ivanti creates a user name and password for customers (to use with SAP Solution Manager) to access the Ivanti Service Manager SAP integration service.

Password The password associated with the user name to use with the integration. Ivanti creates a user name and password for customers (to use with SAP Solution Manager) to access the Ivanti Service Manager SAP integration service.
Basic Authentication to call SAP Web Service
SAP wsdl location The URL for the SAP web services.
User Name The user name used to access the SAP API. These are created from SAP Solution Manager and used by Ivanti during integration.
Password The password associated with the user name used to access the SAP API. These are created from SAP Solution Manager and used by Ivanti during integration.
Default Language

The default language such as EN for English, DE for German, and so on.


This information is entered automatically based on the SAP installation package but you can change it.

Process Incident Template for creating Incident The template created for SAP incidents.
Replicate Incident Template for creating Incident

This information is entered automatically based on the SAP installation package but you can change it.

Verify Solution Incident Status

Specifies the status that, if entered for an incident, allows the incident to be verified. Select resolved.


This information is entered automatically based on the SAP installation package but you can change it.

Reject Solution Incident Status

Specifies the status that, if entered for an incident, allows the incident to not be closed. Select active.


This information is entered automatically based on the SAP installation package but you can change it.

Closed Incident Status

Specifies the status that, if entered for an incident, allows the incident to be closed. Select closed.


This information is entered automatically based on the SAP installation package but you can change it.

3.Click Save.

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