Service Manager powered by HEAT

Using the Score Card

You can easily determine the level of customer satisfaction from a number of factors within the scorecard.

Viewing the Score Card

Creating a New Score Card

Deleting a Score Card

Viewing the Score Card

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Communication Templates > Score Card Configs to open the Score Card Configs workspace. The Score Card Configs workspace appears, listing the current score card configurations.

Creating a New Score Card

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Communication Templates > Score Card Configs to open the Score Card Configs workspace. The Score Card Configs workspace appears, listing the current score card configurations.

2.Click New ScoreCardConfig. A blank score card appears.

3.Enter numbers into the fields to denote the scoring.

Field Description
Target Courtesy Rating  
Target Knowledge Rating  
Target Timeliness Rating  
Target Experience Rating  
Target Resolution Quality Rating  
Target Customer Satisfaction Rating  
Target Overall Score Rating  
Target Change Failure Pct  
Target Time Per Medium Change Pct  
Target FLR Pct  
Target Response Compliance Pct  
Target Resolution Compliance Pct  
Target Time Per End User  
Target Time Per Incident  
Target Response Time  
Target Resolution Time  
Target Time Per High Change Pct  
Target Time Per Critical Change Pct  

4.Click Save.

The Score Card Config record appears on the list.

Deleting a Score Card

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Communication Templates > Score Card Configs to open the Score Card Configs workspace. The Score Card Configs workspace appears, listing the current score card configurations.

2.Select the score card to remove.

3.Click the delete icon .

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