Service Manager powered by HEAT

Using Contact Groups

About Contact Groups

Viewing the Group List

Creating a Group

Modifying a Group

Deleting a Group

Adding Users to a Group

Unlinking Users from a Group

About Contact Groups

The terms "group" and "contact group" mean the same thing.

A group is made up of one or more employees who are approvers or decision-makers in the approval process. Common workflows requiring approvals include change requests and knowledge management.

Managers, supervisors, and senior personnel are common members of groups.

Viewing the Group List

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Groups to open the Groups workspace. The system displays a list of groups with the following information:

Name: The name of the group as stored within the business object.

Group Type: The group type.

Category: Optional. The group category.

Status: The current status of the group.

Modified By: The user name of the last person to modify the group.

Modified On: The latest date the group was modified.

2.Open a group to view its properties.

The following tabs appear on the Contact Group page.

Member: The Member tab shows a list of member of this group. You can link or unlink group members from this tab or view details about a user.

Activity History: The activity history shows a list of activity pertaining to this group, such as email or notes. See About Activity History.

Audit History: The audit history shows a list of events that have occurred pertaining to this group.

Creating a Group

You can create groups that appear within the group drop-down lists.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Groups to open the Groups workspace.

2.Click New Contact Group. The system displays the Contact Group workspace.

3.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description

Group Name

A unique display name for the group.

Group Type

The group type.

Problem Priority

The default priority level to be managed by this group.


The default change type for change items managed by this group.

Change Type

The default status for change items managed by this group.

Approval Type

The default approval type for change items managed by this group.


Additional information related to this group.

4.Click Save.

Modifying a Group

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Groups to open the Groups workspace.

2.Open the group to modify.

3.Edit the group using the options described in Creating a Group.

4.Click Save.

Deleting a Group

Any group can be deleted, including Ivanti Service Manager default groups.

Deleting a group can cause unexpected results in the approval process. Delete the group from a workflow before permanently deleting the group here.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Groups to open the Groups workspace.

2.Highlight the group to delete.

3.Click Delete.

Adding Users to a Group

You can link and unlink users from the Group workspace or from the Employee workspace.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Groups to open the Groups workspace.

2.Open the group to add users to. The system displays the Contact Group page.

3.Click the Member tab.

4.Click Link. The system displays a list of users.

5.Select users from the list. You can select multiple users.

6.Click Select. The users appear in the member list.

Unlinking Users from a Group

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Groups to open the Groups workspace.

2.Open the group to unlink users from. The system displays the Contact Group page.

3.Click the Member tab.

4.Highlight a user from the user list.

5.Click Unlink. The user no longer appears on the group list.

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