Service Manager powered by HEAT

Using External Contacts

Viewing the External Contact List

Creating an External Contact

Assigning an External Contact to a Role

Assigning an External Contact to a Team

Modifying an External Contact

Deleting an External Contact

Converting Business Objects to Contacts

Viewing the External Contact List

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the External Contact workspace. The External Contact workspace shows a list of external contacts in the upper panel, and the details of the selected contact in the lower panel.

Creating an External Contact

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the External Contact workspace.

3.Click New External Contact. The system displays a blank External Contact form.

4.Click Full Name... to enter the following name information:

Field Description
Prefix A prefix. Select from the drop-down list.

First Name

The first name of the user.

Middle Name

The middle name or initial of the user.

Last Name

The last name of the user.


A suffix to add to the name of the user. Select from the drop-down list.

5.Click OK.

6.Click Address... to enter the following address information:

Field Description

Street Address

The street address of the user.

Suite No. The suite address of the user.

The mailing city of the user.


The mailing state of the user.


The mailing zip code of the user.


The mailing country of the user.

7.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description


The work department of the user. Select from the drop-down list.


The title of the user. Select from the drop-down list.


The email address of the user. This field is used in part to verify the user on log in.


The primary phone number of the user.

Ext The extension associated with the primary phone number.


The secondary phone number of the user.

Ext The extension associated with the secondary phone number.

8.Click the Login tab and enter the following information:

Field Description

Login ID

The login ID name of the user. This field is used in part to verify the user on log in. If you use internal authentication to log employees in, this identification is also used as the official login ID. If you use internal authentication, the login ID is limited to 30 characters. If the employee is using NT authentication, the limit does not apply. A login ID should be meaningful, such as a role in the system (Admin) or a first initial/last name (JSmith).

Enable Internal Auth

Performs login authentication for this employee. If selected, internal authentication is available for the employee. Otherwise, it is disabled.

Local authentication requires employees to enter an application-specific login ID and password when accessing the application. Enter a password for the login, then reenter the password to confirm; the ID automatically fills from the login ID defined previously. LDAP authentication verifies employee login information for employees imported using the LDAP Active Directory integration. Employees enter their Active Directory employee name ([domain name]/[employee ID]) and password to log on to .

To use LDAP authentication, you must specify the LDAP server path to authenticate against as well as the employee name and password required to access that server (if applicable); specify this information in the LDAPInfo.xml configuration file located in the messaging folder of your application installation directory.

Enable External Auth

Enables the user to access the application using operating systemm authentication.

Authentication is supported via Open ID, OpenID Connect, SAML/ADFS, and LDAP, which allows users to access the application from another website.


Disables the ability of the user to log in. Their information still appears in the user list.

Disable Password Expiration

Overrides the password expiration setting specified by the administrator.

Creation Method

The creation method. Choose from the drop-down list:

Auto provisioned through Open ID

Auto provisioned through OpenID Connect

Auto provisioned through SAML

Created by the email listener

Created by LDAP Import

Manually created

The first two methods of creation are populated automatically if the user is created via auto provisioning. The authentication method depends on the identity provider protocol. For the created by email listener method, the employee record is created when the user sends an incoming email. The option to create or link to an employee must be selected for the business object, referenced in the incoming email, in the inbox settings of the tenant email configuration record. If the employee record is created when the user is imported via LDAP, then the record is created via LDAP import.

Internal Auth Passwd

The password the user uses to access the application using the internal login ID.

Login for External Auth

The external login ID. Enter a unique ID. Used if the user is authorized to log in from outside the organization. This value can be null (empty), but if used, the value must be unique. You can employ multiple external authentication providers. Click Add new..., then provide the login for the user, and select a new authentication provider. In some cases (for example, Google), this may be a profile URL. The system populates this field the first time that the user logs in using the external authentication. Users cannot use the same external account for authorization purposes.

Is Named User

Designates the user as a named user. Tracks named user licenses.

Is Auto Provisioned

Designates the user as auto provisioned. When an employee first logs into the application using an authentication provider URL, then a new employee record is created and this option shows selected. To add new users via authentication, you must select the auto provisioning option in the authentication provider record. You also have the options to auto provision the role, status, and team of the new user.

9.Click Save.

Assigning an External Contact to a Role

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the External Contact workspace.

3.Open a record.

4.Click the Role tab.

5.From the toolbar, click Link. The system displays the Link Roles dialog box.

6.Select a role from the list, then click Select. The system adds the role to the user's list.

7.Repeat this procedure to assign additional roles.

8.Click Save.

Assigning an External Contact to a Team

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the External Contact workspace.

3.Open a record.

4.Click the Team tab.

5.From the toolbar, click Link. The system displays the Link Team dialog box.

6.Select a team from the list, then click Select.

Modifying an External Contact

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the External Contact workspace.

3.Open an external contact.

4.Edit the fields.

5.Click Save.

Deleting an External Contact

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the External Contact workspace.

3.Highlight the user.

4.Click Delete from the toolbar.

5.Click Refresh to view the updated list.

Converting Business Objects to Contacts

Ivanti Service Manager users who have created business objects prior to Ivanti Service Manager Release 2013.1 can convert these business objects to a contact object.

Note that the text and ntext database types are not supported.

To convert these fields, change the field type to Unicode and save the business object. Then change the field back to a non-Unicode type. This changes the database field type from text to varchar(max), which can then be included in a view.

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