Service Manager powered by HEAT

Working with Portfolio Management

About the Portfolio Dashboard

Using the Portfolio Workspace

About the Portfolio Dashboard

When you log in to the Service Desk Console as a Portfolio Manager, the system automatically displays the Portfolio dashboard. The dashboard contains an overview of all your portfolios and their associated projects. The dashboard parts are:

Project Health (in My Portfolio): Displays a color coded status of the health, schedule, and budget for all projects in the portfolio.

Project Assessment (in My Portfolio): Displays all of the projects associated with your portfolios and provides an overview of escalations, issues, risks, and status for all projects. Also lists the project owner and due date. You can change the order of the columns.

Active Projects On Time & On Budget: Displays a pie chart of active projects on time and on budget vs projects not on time and on budget.

% of Allocated Budget Remaining: Displays the projects, and provides a bar for each active project to display the percentage of the remaining budget.

The Portfolio Manager can access the following workspaces:

Portfolio workspace: You can create new portfolios and add projects to the portfolios from this workspace.

Project workspace: You can create new projects using this workspace. For more information, see Accessing the Project Workspace.

As a Portfolio Manager you can do the following:

Quickly view the status of a portfolio.

View the details of a project.

Link projects to your portfolio.

Create journal entries.

Change information for phases (such as changing the status to on hold or active).

Open and manage risks for the portfolio.

Open and manage issues for the portfolio.

Attach documents to the portfolio.

Manage budgets and track costs.

Using the Portfolio Workspace

Getting Started in the Portfolio Workspace

Adding Information on the Overview Tab

Adding Information on the Project Tab

Adding Information on the Risk Tab

Adding Information on the Issue Tab

Getting Started in the Portfolio Workspace

Follow these steps to create a portfolio:

1.Log in to the application as a Portfolio Manager.

2.Open the Portfolio workspace. The system displays a list of portfolios.

3.Do one of the following:

To view or edit an existing portfolio, open a portfolio.

To create a new portfolio, click New Portfolio.

4.Enter or update information on the Overview tab. See Adding Information on the Overview Tab.

5.Enter or update information on the Project tab. See Adding Information on the Project Tab.

6.Enter or update information on the Risk tab. See Adding Information on the Risk Tab.

7.Enter or update information on the Issue tab. See Adding Information on the Issue Tab.

8.Click Save.

Adding Information on the Overview Tab

Field Description
Portfolio Name

The name of the portfolio. Enter a unique name.

Summary A description of the projects or the goals of this portfolio.
Start Date/End Date The start and end dates for all projects that are a part of this portfolio. This factors into the portfolio being on schedule or on track.
Status The status of the portfolio. Select a status from the list. The choices are: initial, active, on hold, or closed. The status of a portfolio is based on the status of all the projects contained in that portfolio.
Health The state of the health of the portfolio. Select a status from the list. The choices are: on track, at risk, and off track. This selection impacts the visual display on the Portfolio dashboard. The health of a portfolio is based on the health of all of the projects contained in that portfolio.
Owner The owner name is automatically entered based on login but can be changed by entering a different name or selecting a name from the search list.
Sponsor The name of the corporate sponsor for the portfolio.

There are two ways to set up and manage portfolio budgets:

Enter an amount in the Planned Amount field for a budget plan (see Plan below).

Enter an Amount in the Allocated field without using a budget plan.
See also budget information in Creating a New Project and Project Plan.


Click Add to add or Edit to edit a budget plan. Enter the following information: A name for the plan, the budget policy, status (select from: draft, under review, committed, withdrawn), owner, start date, end date, approval date, and the planned amount (budget). The planned amount appears in the Allocated amount field for the budget.

Allocated The amount entered in the plan. You can change this value.
Consumed The costs consumed by related projects. If you use the lump sum method of budget allocation, you can manually enter the amount for this field.

Adding Information on the Project Tab

Do any of the following on this tab:

To open a high-level overview of the project, highlight it and double-click it to open it.

To link a project to this portfolio, click Link. The system displays a list of projects. Highlight one and click Select.

To remove a project from the portfolio, highlight the project and click Unlink.

To open the Project Details page for a project, highlight the project and click Go to.

Adding Information on the Risk Tab

1.To enter a risk for the portfolio or edit an existing risk, do one of the following:

Click New Risk to enter a new risk.

Double-click an existing risk to open and edit it.

2.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description

The name of the risk.

Description A description of the risk.
Type The type of risk. Select from resource, budget, schedule, scope, or other.
Severity The severity of the risk. Select from high, medium, or low.
Status The status of the risk. Select from open, resolved, or closed.
Owner The name of the person who manages this risk.
Probability The probability of this risk happening. Select from high, medium, or low.
Response The response to the risk. Select from accept, avoid, mitigate, or transfer.
Contingency Plan The contingency plan for the risk.
Comments Comments about the risk. Click Create to create a new comment.
Escalated Specifies if the risk was escalated. This may impact the health and status of the portfolio. If checked, the systems sends an email to all employees on the distribution list.
Date The date of the escalation.
Reason The reason for the escalation.
Distribution List

The list of employees to notify about the escalation. Click Link to enter a list of employees. Shift-click to select and save more than one name at a time from the list.

Adding Information on the Issue Tab

1.To add an issue to the portfolio or to edit an existing issue, do one of the following:

Click New Issue to enter a new issue.

Double-click an existing issue to open and edit it.

2.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description

The subject of the issue.

Description A description of the issue.
Status The status of the issue. Select from open, resolved, or closed.
Severity The severity of the issue. Select from high, medium, low.
Owner The name of the person who manages this risk.
Risk Link to a risk from the list, or add a new risk if the issue needs to be associated with a risk.
Target Resolution Date The target resolution date.
Actual Resolution Date The actual resolution date.
Resolution Resolution notes associated with this issue.

Attachments associated with this issue.

Journal Notes associated with this issue.
Escalated Specifies if the issue was escalated. This may impact the health and status of the portfolio. If checked, the systems sends an email to all employees on the distribution list.
Date The date of the escalation.
Reason The reason for the escalation.
Distribution List

The list of employees to notify about the escalation. Click Link to enter a list of employees. Shift-click to select and save more than one name at a time from the list.

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