Service Manager powered by HEAT

Emailing a Report

You must configure the email server before you can email reports. You can schedule and automatically generate reports. The system can email scheduled reports to one or more users.

1.Log in to the application as a Report Manager.

2.Open the Reports workspace. The system displays a list of reports.

3.Click the edit icon next to the report to email. The system opens the report.

4.Under the Distribution Information header, do one of the following:

For the Report Format field, select the format to distribute the report.

Select No Distribution if you do not want to distribute the report.

5.Select one of the following:

Download: Allows users to download the report using the report link in their workspace.

Email: Allows users to send the report by email. Enter the email addresses to which to send the report in the To field and enter text in the Subject and Message fields.

6.Click Save.

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