Service Manager powered by HEAT

About the Service Level Manager Dashboard

The Service Level Manager dashboard gives you a snapshot of service level targets while enabling you to drill down and view certain details.

1.Log in to the application as a service owner.

2.Click All Dashboards. The system displays a list of dashboards.

3.Open the dashboard called SLM Dashboard.

Service Level Manager Dashboard

The default dashboard provides the following:

Service Compliance Trend: The trend of the overall compliance of service requests.

SLA Target Compliance: Compares the target compliance vs. the actual compliance of each service level agreement according to organizational unit.

SLA Compliance: Compares the target compliance vs. the actual compliance of each service level agreement according to service.

OLA Target Compliance: Compares the target compliance vs. the actual compliance of each operational level agreement according to team.

UC Target Compliance: Compares the target compliance vs. the actual compliance of each underpinning contract according to vendor.

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