Service Manager


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Approving Requests

About Approving Requests

Viewing an Approval Request in the My Items Workspace

Approving a Request using Self Service

Responding to a Request through Email

About Approving Requests

You can use the Self-Service Portal to approve a knowledge article, release milestone completion, change, or a Self Service service request.

The system notifies you via email when you need to approve a request in some of the following instances:

As a member of a Knowledge Advisory Board or as a default approver for a knowledge collection, you are notified if an article belonging to the collection is pending approval.

As a member of a Change Approval Board or as a default approver for a type of change, you are notified if a change of the same type is pending approval.

As a member of the Release Review Board for a release, or as a default approver, you are notified if the release milestone requires approval. The system also notifies you to do a post-implementation review of the milestone after the last task in the milestone is completed.

As someone who requests a service request.

If you are using HEAT DSM, you might get approval notifications if you are the owner of an incident or service request that requires approval.

Viewing an Approval Request in the My Items Workspace

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Do one of the following:

Under the My Open Items pane, click View All My Items.

Click the My Items tab.

The system lists all your items, such as incidents, service requests, and approvals.

3.Find your approval request in the list.

A list of matching items appears. The list contains the following information:

Column Title



The tracking number assigned to the approval record.


The name of the service request, change, release, or knowledge milestone that you are approving, or the name of a service request that you might have placed.


If you filtered your search, you should see only the type approval request.


The current status of the approval request. The options are as follows:

Approved/Approval Rejected: A request that you had previously acted on.

Canceled: A request that has been canceled.

Close: A service request that you had previously placed that has been closed.

Fulfilled: A service request that you had previously placed that has been fulfilled.

Pending: A request that is pending your approval.

Submitted: A service request that you placed that is currently being fulfilled.

Due Date

The date by when the approval is required.


A progress bar showing the fulfillment of the request.

Created On

The date when the request was created.

4.Click the approval request to view.

Approving a Request using Self Service

When an item is pending approval, the system notifies you via email. You can either approve the request via email (see Responding to a Request through Email) or you can approve the request using Self Service.

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Do one of the following:

Under the My Open Items pane, click View All My Items.

Click the My Items tab.

The system lists all your items, such as incidents, service requests, and approvals.

3.Click the approval request for the item. View the details of the item you are approving.

4.To approve the request, click Approve and then click Approve again to confirm the approval.

5.To reject the request, click Deny and enter a reason for rejecting the approval in the Deny Approval - Reason field.

6.Click Submit.

Responding to a Request through Email

You can accept or reject a request for approval by responding to it directly from the email sent to you.

When you are notified of an approval request via email, do the following:

1.Click Reply. Do not modify the subject line of the notification email when sending your response through email.

2. Indicate your acceptance or rejection of the request by entering either approved or denied in the body of the message. The approval keywords are configured in the FRS Approval Status Keyword tab records in the email configuration form. The default keywords for approving or rejecting requests via email are approved and denied.

3.If you reject an article, enter the reason for rejecting it in the second line of the body of the message.

4.Click Send.

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