Service Manager


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Change Business Object Reference

Listed below are the default definitions of the Change business object.

Change Business Object Field Definitions

Change Business Object Relationship Definitions

Change Business Object Layouts

Change Business Object Forms

Change Business Object Quick Actions

Change Business Object Searches

Change Business Object Templates

Change Business Object Field Definitions

Field Name Type Length Comments
AcceptanceDueDate DateTime n/a  
AcceptTimeout DateTime n/a  
ApprovalCondition Text unlimited  
BackoutPlanAttached Boolean Y/N  
BallotCount Number 4 digits  
BusinessFunction Text 60  
CABMeetingTime DateTime n/a NOTE: This field is not currently used.
CABVoteExpirationDateTime DateTime n/a  
CalculatedRiskQuestions Boolean Y/N  
CatalogName Text 60  
Category Text 60  
ChangeNumber Number 10 digits  
ChangesTested Boolean Y/N  
ClosedBy Text 30  
ClosedCode Text 25  
ClosedDateTime DateTime n/a  
CMApprovedBy Text 50  
CMApprovedDateTime DateTime n/a  
CompletedBy Text 25  
CreatedBy Text 30  
CreatedByRecID Number 32  
CreatedDateTime DateTime n/a  
Description Text 0  
DetailScreenName Text 255  
DirectCost Number 8 digit, 2 decimal  
DisplayOnBoard Boolean Y/N  
DateTime n/a  
Emergency Boolean Y/N  
EstimatedCost Number 11 digit, 2 decimal  
ExternalCalendarLinkID Text 255  
ExternalTaskLinkID Text 255  
FinalState Text 5  
Impact Text 10  
IsCIAdded DateTime n/a  
Boolean Y/N  
IsStandardChange Boolean Y/N  
Justification Text 50  
LastModBy Text 30  
LastModDateTime DateTime n/a  
LinkTargetComputer Boolean Y/N  
MCVoteExpirationDateTime DateTime n/a  
MsgPreExistInventoryItem Text 0  
NoOfCILinked Number 8 digit, 2 decimal  
NoOfTasks Number 8 digit, 2 decimal  
NoOfTasksCompleted Number 8 digit, 2 decimal  
Owner Text 30  
OwnerEmail OwnerEmail Text(100) Text 100  
OwnerTeam Text 30  
OwnerType Text 30  
ParentLink Link n/a  
Priority Text 10  
Reason Text 60  
RecId Text 32  
ReleaseCIJscriptHolder Text 10  
ReleaseLink Link n/a  
RequestedBy Text 60  
RequesterLocation Text 100  
RequesterPhone Text 25  
RequestorEmail Text 60  
RequestorFullName Text 50  
RequestorLink Link n/a  
Resolution Text 10  
RiskCatalogLink Link n/a  
RiskLevel Text 32 Risk level is weighted by points. When the total risk point values are generated by the risk calculator, risk is categorized in the following default ranges: low = 0-33; medium = 34-66; high = 67-100.
RiskSum Number 8 digit,2 decimal  
ScheduledEndDate DateTime n/a  
ScheduledStartDate ScheduledStartDate Date/Time DateTime n/a  
Service Text 100  
SetChangeWindowJscriptHolder Text 25  
Sponsor Text 100  
Status Text 60  
Subject Summary Text 100  
SubmissionDeadLineDateTime DateTime n/a  
TargetBreach Boolean Y/N  
TargetDate DateTime n/a  
TempChangeTaskDetails Text 0  
TempChangeTaskSubject Text 100  
TriggerChangesToCI DateTime n/a  
TypeOfChange Text 60  
Urgency Text 10  
VoteCount Number 4 digits  
VoteExpirationDateTime DateTime n/a  
VoteTimeout DateTime n/a  

Change Business Object Relationship Definitions

Relationship Type Cardinality
AnnouncementAssociatesChange associated zero or many
AuditHistoryRelationship contains exactly one
BusinessServiceAssociatesChange associated zero or many
ChangeAssocCABSettings contains zero or one
ChangeAssocFRS_RiskAnswer associated zero or one
ChangeAssocFRS_RiskCatalog associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedChangeDetail contains zero or one
ChangeAssociatedFRS_Approval associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedFRS_MyItem associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedFRS_ReleasePackage associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedGroupApproval associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedPIR associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedReleaseProject associated zero or many
ChangeAssociatedSoftwareAction associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatedWorkflowInstance associated zero or one
ChangeAssociatesCI associated zero or many
ChangeAssociatesContactGroup associated zero or many
ChangeAssociatesInventoryItem associated zero or many
ChangeAssociatesServiceCatalog associated zero or many
ChangeContainsAttachment contains zero or one
ChangeContainsJournal contains zero or one
ChangeContainsTask associated zero or one
ChangeContainsTaskAssignment contains  
ChangeDetailLinkedToChange linked  
EmployeeAssociatesChangeAsCAB associated zero or many
FAQAssociatedChange associated zero or many
FRS_ReleasePackageLinkedToChange linked  
IncidentAssociatesChange associated zero or many
PIRLinkedToChange linked  
PlannedCIAssociatedChange associated zero or one
PlannedCILinkedToChange linked  
ProblemAssociatesChange associated zero or many
SoftwareActionAssociatedChange associated zero or one

Change Business Object Layouts

Layout Default Roles
Change Change Manager
Change.SDA Service Desk Analyst, Service Desk Manager, Problem Manger, Discovery Manager
Change.SDM Service Desk Analyst, Service Desk Manager, Problem Manger, Discovery Manager

Change Business Object Forms

Form Name Purpose
Change.Approval Used by approver to view change requests.
Change.Brief.New Brief preview below list (browse).
Change.DataEntry Main change edit form (from another object, such as incident or problem).
Change.DataEntry.SDA Allows data entry by Service Desk Analyst. Popup view.
ChangeDetails Edit change (details tab for Change Manager).
ChangeDetails.SDA Details tab for Service Desk Analysts.

Change Business Object Quick Actions

Field Description
Approve My Vote Adds approval vote.
Deny My Vote Vote to deny approval.
Update End Date value from Release Overwrites the value in the Scheduled End Date field in the release object with $([ ]OutageEndDateTime) value.
Update Start Date value from Release Overwrites the value in the Scheduled Start Date field in the release object with $([ ]OutageStartDateTime) value.
Form Actions
Change Status to Cancelled Cancels the selected change by changing the status to canceled.
Change Status to Deferred Updates the status of the selected change to deferred.
Change Status to Denied Updates the status of the selected change to denied.
Change Status to Requested Updates the status of the selected change to requested.
Close related problem Updates the status of the linked problem to closed.
Set CI Added Value Stamps the current date and time when value is added to a configuration item.
Set Trigger To Apply Changes Stamps the current date and time when a configuration item change invokes a trigger.
Update Status to Implemented Updates the status of the selected change to implemented.
Change Status to Implemented Changes the status of the selected change to implemented. Stamps the change with a user ID and date.
NotifyCMImplementationFailed Sends notification to the Change Manager upon a change implementation failure.
SendRequestorNotifcationChangeScheduled Sends notification to the requestor when a change has been scheduled.
SendRequestorNotificationChangeCancelled Sends notification to the requestor when a change has been canceled.
SendRequestorNotificationChangeDenied Sends notification to the requestor when a change has been denied.
SendRequestorNotificationChangeImplemented Sends notification to the requestor when a change has been implemented.
SendRequestorNotificationPendingApproval Sends notification to the requestor when a change has reached the pending approval status.
System Actions
Add Internal Task Creates a new task for the selected change.
New Announcement Creates a new announcement regarding the selected change.
New Incident from Change Creates a new incident that links to the selected change.
New Note Creates a new note for the selected change.
New PIR Creates a new post-implementation review item for the selected change.

Change Business Object Searches

Field Criteria
Changes created last 30 days Find 'Change' where: Change# CreatedDateTime Greater Or Equal $(LastThirtyDays())
My active changes Find 'Change' where: Change# RequestedBy Equal To $(CurrentUserDisplayName())
Change# Status Not Equal To Closed
Changes closed last 30 days Find 'Change' where: Change# ClosedDateTime Greater Or Equal $(LastThirtyDays())
Changes for pivot table Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Not In List Cancelled, Closed, Deferred, Denied, Implemented, Logged
Changes this year and not closed Find 'Change' where: Change# CreatedDateTime Greater Or Equal $(StartOfThisYear()) AND Change# Status Not Equal To Closed
Active changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Not In List Cancelled, Closed, Denied
Changes pending approval Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Pending Appoval
Changes scheduled in last 7 days Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Scheduled
Change# ScheduledStartDate Greater Or Equal $(LastSevenDays())
Changes scheduled this month Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Scheduled
Change# ScheduledStartDate Greater Or Equal $(StartOfThisMonth())
Changes with inventory items linked Find 'CI' where: CI# RecID Is Not Empty
Denied changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Denied
Emergency changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Closed
Change# Type of Change Equal To Emergency
Implemented changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Implemented
Major changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Major
Change# Status Not Equal To Closed
Minor changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Equal To Minor
Change# Status Not Equal To Closed
My changes Find 'Change' where: Change# RequestedBy Equal To $(CurrentUserDisplayName())
Non emergency changes Find 'Change' where:Change# Status NotIn List Cancelled, Closed, Deferred, Denied
Change# Type of Change Not Equal To Emergency
Priority 1 changes Find 'Change' where:Change# Priority Equal To 1
Request changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Status Not Equal To Requested
Significant changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Type of Change Equal To Significant
Change# Status Not Equal To Closed
Standard changes Find 'Change' where: Change# Type of Change Equal To Standard
Change# Status Not Equal To Closed

Change Business Object Templates

Routine Change Templates

Non-Routine Change Templates

Routine Change Templates

These templates are used for standard changes or for changes that are routine, cause minimal disruption, and do not require approval. They are designed to allow Service Desk Analysts to quickly log a change.

Create Mail Archive for Microsoft Exchange Mail Folder

Field Description
Template Name Create Mail Archive for Microsoft Exchange Mail Folder
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Storage
Justification Scheduled Maintenance
Urgency Low
Impact Low
Summary Create Mail Archive for Microsoft Exchange Mail Folder
Description Standard Change: Create Mail Archive for Microsoft Exchange Mail Folder

Install Approved Software Package

Field Description
Template Name Install Approved Software Package
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Software
Justification Enhancement
Urgency Low
Impact Low
Summary Install Approved Software Package
Description Standard Change: Install Approved Software Package

Microsoft Security Patch Install for Windows Servers

Field Description
Template Name Microsoft Security Patch Install for Windows Servers
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Software
Justification Enhancement
Urgency Low
Impact Low
Summary MS Security Patch Install for Windows Servers
Description Standard Change: Microsoft Security Patch Install for Windows Servers

Replace Printer Accessory

Field Description
Template Name Replace Printer Accessory
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Network Device
Justification Scheduled Maintenance
Urgency Low
Impact Low
Summary Replace Printer Accessory
Description Standard Change: Replace Printer Accessory

Server Reboot

Field Description
Template Name Server Reboot
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Computer
Justification Unscheduled Maintenance
Urgency Medium
Impact Low
Summary Server Reboot
Description Standard Change: Server Reboot

Server Relocation

Field Description
Template Name Server Relocation
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Computer
Justification Enhancement
Urgency Low
Impact Low
Summary Server Relocation
Description Standard Change: Server Relocation


Field Description
Template Name Standard
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Urgency Medium
Impact Medium

Update Antivirus Files

Field Description
Template Name Update Antivirus Files
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Standard
Category Software
Justification Enhancement
Urgency Low
Impact Low
Summary Update Antivirus Definition Files
Description Standard Change: Update Antivirus Definition Files

Non-Routine Change Templates


Field Description
Template Name Emergency
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Emergency
Urgency High
Impact High


Field Description
Template Name Major
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Major
Urgency Medium
Impact Medium


Field Description
Template Name Minor
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Minor
Urgency Low
Impact Low


Field Description
Template Name Significant
Team Change Management
Status Logged
Type Significant
Urgency Medium
Impact Medium

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