Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Working with the Software Inventory Workspace

Discovery Managers, Discovery Analsysts, and Configuration Managers can access the Software Inventory workspace. The workspace allows you to view all the software discovered by auditing the computers using the Discovery tools. You can do the following tasks using this workspace:

Viewing Discovered Software in the Software Inventory Workspace

About Categorizing Software by Property

Designating Software as Primary or Secondary

Working with Greynet Software

Viewing Hardware and Software Changes

Updating Inventory Settings from Software Inventory

About Viewing Software Usage

Viewing Discovered Software in the Software Inventory Workspace

To view software that has been discovered by audit, identifying where it is installed and the number of installations, do the following:

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console as a Discovery Manager.

2.Open the Software Inventory workspace. This workspace displays a list of software applications discovered, including attributes such as manufacturer, name, version, language/locale, and so on.

3.View the Installations column for the number of installations of the software.

4.Select and open the software application record to view further details, including the names of machines on which the software is installed.

5.Check License Required or Unauthorized as appropriate.

6.Click the Installed On tab to see the computers on which the software is installed.

The number of computer records that appear in the Installed On tab match the number of installations shown in the Installations column in the list view.

About Categorizing Software by Property

All software within the software inventory is categorized as either primary, secondary, or Greynet.

Primary software is usually licensed, and commonly used software that is installed at your company. This type of software is often managed through Service Manager.

Secondary software is any software you choose not to designate as primary.

Greynet software is software that is downloaded and installed without express permission. It is usually free or distributed without a license. It is often in wide-use in the company. Skype is one such example. For more information see About Greynet Software.

Designating Software as Primary or Secondary

Any software determined to be primary can be demoted manually to secondary and vice versa using the new Promote to Primary and Demote to Secondary functions. These can be implemented for your installation and accessed from toolbar icons, or by using the Promote to Primary or Demote to Secondary quick actions.

Once the assignment has been changed, they can only be changed back to their prior status manually.

Use the following steps to access the workspace and make your changes:

1.Log in to the Service Manager Application as a Discovery Manager, Discovery Analyst.

2.Open the Software Inventory workspace. The system displays all discovered software. You can group it by any of the columns.

3.Select an item from the list (expand the selection if needed).

4.Promote the software to primary or demote the software to secondary. To use a quick action, select an option from the No Category section of the Action Menu.

Changes are applied to the software during the next scheduled audit.

All software is re-recognized each time it is audited whether changes are made to the settings in this list or not. Information about software that was manually determined as Primary or Secondary by a user, is stored in the DB. For example, if the software was manually promoted to Primary status it remains in that state until it is manually demoted.

About Greynet Software

Unauthorized software that has been installed on an organization computer or device without the express knowledge or permission of the network administrators is termed Greynet. While some Greynet applications may be useful (such as messaging and collaboration tools), they can compromise network security and drain network resources. They can also include spyware or malware components.

You can find unwanted applications and designate them as Greynet by accessing the Software Inventory workspace as a Discovery Manager.

Specifying if Software is Greynet

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console as a Discovery Manager.

2.Open the Software Inventory workspace. This workspace displays a list of software applications discovered, including attributes such as manufacturer, name, version, language/locale, and so on.

3.Select software from the Name field or Group by Manufacturer field.

4.Select an application from the list.

5.Double-click the application to load the software identity information.

6.From the Details Tab, check Greynet. If the flag was set incorrectly, uncheck the box from this tab.

7.Save the record to apply the Greynet status.

Listing the Greynet Software

Do the following to find all of the software that is listed as Greynet:

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console as a Discovery Manager.

2.Open the Software Inventory workspace.

3.Do one of the following:

From the All Saved Searches drop-down list, select the All Greynet Software saved search.

Click the funnel icon on the Greynet field, and select the Group By This Field option from the menu.

Viewing Hardware and Software Changes

About Viewing Hardware and Software Changes

Viewing Hardware and Software Changes from a Configuration Item (CI) Record

Viewing Audited Computer Hardware and Software Details

About Updating Inventory Settings from Software Inventory

Updating Inventory Settings from Software Inventory

About Viewing Hardware and Software Changes

Discovery Managers can view a list of computers that have had hardware or software changes.

You can view the hardware and software changes of a configuration item from the record itself, as described in Viewing Hardware and Software Changes from a Configuration Item (CI) Record.

To view a complete list of hardware changes, open the Hardware Changes workspace directly. Click the down arrow and select Hardware Changes.

To view a complete list of software changes, open the Software Changes workspace directly. Click the down arrow and select Software Changes.

The system does not track software usage changes and disk free-space changes. The system only tracks the addition, removal, and update of a software or hardware item.

You can also view hardware and software changes related to a configuration item on the Discovery Manager dashboards.

Viewing Hardware and Software Changes from a Configuration Item (CI) Record

1.Log in to the application as a Discovery Manager.

2.Open the CI workspace.

3.Select any of the following configuration item types and open a record:



Virtual Workstation

Virtual Server

4.From the Hardware Changes tab, view any hardware changes.

View the time and other details of the change.

View the Change Type column, which shows the following values: added, removed, or changed, indicating that the hardware was added, removed, or modified.

To open the Hardware Changes workspace, select a record and click Go to.

The Hardware Changes workspace appears, showing the details of the record. The CI Details tab shows more information about the configuration item.

5.Click the Software Changes tab to view any software changes.

View the time and other details of the change.

View the Change Type column, which shows the following values: added, removed, or changed, indicating that the software was added, removed, or modified.

To open the Software Changes workspace, select a record and click Go to.

Viewing Audited Computer Hardware and Software Details

Each audited computer has a number of properties that describe the hardware and software of the computer. These properties are collected when the computer is audited and are displayed.

To view the details of hardware and software that has been audited, do the following:

1.Log in to the application as a Discovery Manager.

2.Click the Configuration Item tab.

3.Sort and select any of the following configuration item types:



Virtual Workstation

Virtual Server

4.To view detailed information, double click the name of the computer to view, then click on the Hardware or Software tab to view the relevant details.

About Updating Inventory Settings from Software Inventory

The primary source for Service Manager software inventory is software items in the Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features windows that are found in the control panel for the client computer. The client agent also captures audit data of all running applications.

If there are no applications running in the control panel, the client agent captures associated executable file names (such as *.exe) from the file system. The Discovery Manager Software Inventory workspace entries show the executable file names in the Software Files tab in the CI workspace.

We recommend that you capture the file system-based software items from all computers, regardless of whether they are running. You can do this by including the executable file names in the Inventory Settings Software Files tab via the Include/Exclude from Inventory quick action.

When the inventory settings is deployed to target computers, it instructs client agents to look for those executable file names from the file system and, if found, includes them in the software audit data.

Updating Inventory Settings from Software Inventory

1.Log in to the application as a Discovery Manager.

2.Open the Configuration Item workspace.

3.Sort and select any of the following configuration item types:



Virtual Workstation

Virtual Server

4.Select any of the records from the specified configuration item types that have a status of installed, and open the record.

5.Click the Software tab and view the Discovery Method column. The file system-based software appears as File.

6.Open the Software Inventory workspace.

7.Search for the software records in which the Discovery method appeared as file.

8.Open the software record to audit.

9.Click the Software Files tab. The list of executable file names appears.

10.Click Include/Exclude from Inventory. The Included in Inventory column is set to yes.

The Include/Exclude from Inventory quick action toggles to include and exclude the software files. If you click this quick action again, the system removes the software file from auditing.

11.Open the Inventory Settings workspace.

12.Open the default record, then click the Software Files tab. The list of software files that you associated in the Software Inventory workspace appear in this tab.

13.Click the Deploy Settings quick action.

All client machines running the software are audited.

About Viewing Software Usage

Software usage is shown on the Software Child tab of the workstation, server, virtual workstation, and virtual server forms.

The system automatically removes remote applications if they have not been used for more than 90 days. This also removes the associated terminal clients from the guest/host relationship.

The Usage Frequency column shows the following:

Usage Frequency Calculated Based On
never been used The client agent reports usage for software on audited machines only. The never frequency is implied by the fact that usage is not being reported.
used occasionally (or used within the last 30, 60, or 90 days) The client agent only reports if the application has been used at least once (Occasionally within the last 30, 60, or 90 days) or used more frequently (monthly, weekly, or daily).
daily If the application has been used on any 3 of the last 7 days, it is categorized as daily.
weekly If the application has been used in any 2 or the last 4 weeks, it is categorized as weekly.
monthly If the application has been used in any 2 of the last 4 months, it is categorized as monthly.

If the value is occasionally (or within the last 30, 60, or 90 days), The Last Used Date column shows the date the software was last used.

You must select the Collect Software Usage option on the Inventory Settings form to audit the software usage on the client machines. See Using the Inventory Settings Workspace.

Viewing Software Usage

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Click the CI tab.

3.Sort and select any of the following configuration item types:



Virtual Workstation

Virtual Server

4.Double-click the name of the computer whose software usage to view.

5.Click the Software tab.

6.View the Usage Frequency column, and the corresponding column Last Used.

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