Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Knowledge State Transitions Reference

Administrators can create additional statuses to meet the business needs of your organization.






Articles are set to draft when initially created. Users in the Self-Service Portal cannot search the articles in draft state, but other users can.

Knowledge Manager when article is saved

Service Desk Analyst

Knowledge Manager

Service Desk Manager

In Review

Articles are set to in review when the owner is ready to have it reviewed. Users in the Self-Service Portal cannot search the articles in the in review state, but other users can.


This state starts the knowledge approval workflow.

No notifications

Service Desk Analyst

Knowledge Manager

Service Desk Manager


Article has been approved.

Knowledge Manager

Knowledge Manager


Articles are set to published when the reviewed article is published, which means that it is available in the Self-Service Portal.


Only Knowledge Managers can update articles in the published state.

Knowledge Manager

Article Owner

Knowledge Manager


The article is obsolete but can be searched for by internal users.

Knowledge Manager

Knowledge Manager


The article is no longer part of the Knowledge Base. Only Knowledge Managers can search for it.

Knowledge Manager

Knowledge Manager


The article has been rejected after review.

Article Owner

Knowledge Manager

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