Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

About Approving Service Requests

When a service request requires approval, an approval record is created in the Approval tab of the service request record in pending status. An approval email is sent to the manager of the organizational unit of the customer.

Approving a Service Request

Responding to a Service Request Approval

Viewing Approved Service Requests

Approving a Service Request

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Approval workspace. A list of pending service requests appears.

3.Double-click the service request to approve. The item details page appears.

4.Select the Approval tab.

5.Click New FRS_Approval. The New FRS_Approval window appears.

6.Enter the information as needed. Set the owner to whomever approves the service request. The status is set to pending by default.

7.Click Save. The item is now pending approval from the owner.

Responding to a Service Request Approval

To respond to a service request approval, you can click the link provided in the email you receive and edit the service request record, or work directly on the record in the Self-Service Portal. To use the Self-Service Portal for approvals, you must log in as a Self Service user. Contact your administrator to add the Self Service role to your employee profile to enable this log in.

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

1.Open the My Items workspace. A list of your items appears.

2.Select Approval Request from the drop-down list. If there is a single item, it appears automatically.

3.Click Approval Request for ServiceReq.

4.Either approve or deny the request:

If you approve the request, click Approve, then click Approve again to dismiss the approval confirmation message and confirm the approval.

If you deny the request, click Deny, then enter the reason for denying the request in the Deny Approval-Reason field and click Submit.

After you respond to the request:

The approval record status updates to approved.

If the service request required approval, a task is generated in the logged status when the request is approved.

If the request is denied, the status of the service request updates to approval rejected.

Viewing Approved Service Requests

If the service request requires approval, an approval notification is sent to the manager of the organizational unit of the customer. After the request is approved, the approval record appears in the Approval tab of the service request record.

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Approval workspace. The list of approved and pending service requests appears.

3.Double-click an item from the list to view the approval details and vote summary.

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