Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

About Social Board Messages and Comments

Types of Social Board Messages

About the Unread Message Counter

Viewing Social Board Messages

Viewing Social Board Comments

Posting a Message to the Social Board

Stop Sharing with a User, Group, Team, or Role

Posting a Comment to a Social Board Message

Deleting a Social Board Message or Comment

Types of Social Board Messages

There are two types of messages in the Social Board:

Public: Messages that can be read by all Service Manager users.

Limited: Messages that can only be read by specific users, groups, teams, or roles.

About the Unread Message Counter

The number of unread messages is shown next to the Social Board icon. If the Social Board has not been activated, you do not see a number.

Unread Messages

The message counter increments each time a new message is posted, not including your own messages. By default, the Everybody's activity area and your comments get updated instantly, while the Teams Activity area gets updated every 5 minutes. The maximum number of notifications shown is 10.

You can see when a new message has been posted even if you are in another workspace. This eliminates the need to switch to the Social Board workspace to check for new messages.

To clear the counter, either open the message window or click Clear & Close.

Clearing the Unread Messages Counter

Viewing Social Board Messages

There are two ways to view Social Board messages:

From the Social Board workspace.

From the Chat Zone. Chat can only be accessed after the Social Board has been activated.

To search for a word in Social Board messages, enter the word in the Search field, located on the top right corner of the Social Board workspace.

To view (filter) certain messages and posts, choose the filter criteria from the left Activity Stream pane.

Activity Stream Pane

Viewing Social Board Comments

You can add comments to a message. Any user receiving a message can create a comment on that message.

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Open the Social Board workspace.

3.To view comments to a posted message, click View all comments within the message box.

4.To view all comments to all Social Board messages, click Sort by Post at the upper right corner of the Social Board workspace.

Viewing and Sorting Social Board Comments

5.To view all Social Board messages, including all comments, click Sort by Post and comment.

Posting a Message to the Social Board

The following procedure describes how to post a message using the Social Board workspace. You can post a message in the Social Board workspace or in the Chat Zone.

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Open the Social Board workspace.

3.Click inside the Share what's new... message text box. The Publish to section appears.

Publish To

4.To broadcast a message to all users, use the default setting which is Everybody.

5.To send a message to specific groups, roles, or teams, do the following:

a. Click Add group.
b. Choose a group, role, or team from the drop-down list.
c. Click Add.
d. Repeat to add more groups, roles, or teams.

6.To send a message to a specific person, do the following:

a. Click Add person.
b. Enter the name of the user in the text box.
c. Click Add.
d. Repeat to add more users.

7.Enter your message in the text box.

8.Click Share. The message is sent to the users, groups, teams, or roles listed next to Publish to:.

Stop Sharing with a User, Group, Team, or Role

To stop sharing with a certain user, group, team, or role, do the following:

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Open the Social Board workspace. the Publish to: section, click the delete icon next to the name of a user, group, team, or role.

Stop Sharing with a User, Group, Team, or Role

The user, group, team, or role no longer appears in the Publish to: section and is no longer part of your conversation (unless you add them back).

Posting a Comment to a Social Board Message

A comment is a message that is added to an original Social Board message.

To add a comment to a message received on the Social Board, do the following:

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Open the Social Board workspace.

3.Click in the message text box and enter your message.

4.Either click Share or press Enter.

The comment is shared to the all users receiving the original message.

Deleting a Social Board Message or Comment

You can delete any Social Board message or comment that you own.

1.Log into the Self-Service Portal.

2.Open the Social Board workspace.

3.Click the delete icon on the right hand side of the post or comment header.

4.In the Delete message dialog box, click Yes.

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