Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Using Workspaces

About Workspaces

Accessing Workspaces

About Workspaces

A workspace is a module in ISM. Each workspace has different capabilities and is used for performing different functions.

Your workspace is set up with your role in mind. Each role has a defined workspace. Workspaces display forms and dashboards for the modules and are specific to the different user roles.

If a module is the key process for your role, that module appears when you log into the application. If you have access to multiple roles, you have the option to select the role in which to work when you log in.

You might see a different view of the same module if you log in as another role because your permissions to perform certain tasks are role-based. For example, if you are a Service Desk Analyst, although you have access to the change module, you will not see or have access to all the functionality that is available to the Change Manager.

Only administrators can add a workspace to a role.

Accessing Workspaces

You can open all workspaces from the top header bar area of Service Manager. Each role has various workspaces that they can access, and not all workspaces are available for each role.

1.Log in to the Service Desk Console.

2.Click on the workspace name in the top header bar. These are the top-level workspaces.

Top-Level Workspaces

The workspace tab appears in the top tab bar and the workspace opens in the main pane.

3.Click MORE to view additional workspaces.

4.If the workspace you want does not appear on the list, enter the name of the workspace in the Search Objects box and click the blue arrow or press ENTER key.

If you do not see or cannot open a workspace, you probably do not have permission to access that workspace. The administrator controls workspace permissions.

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