Service Manager


Using the Responsive User Interface

The Self Service Mobile role allows you to view the Self-Service portal on laptops, mobile devices, and tablets in responsive user interface.

Anyone who is assigned to the Self Service Mobile role can access the responsive user interface. The web-based home page has an adaptive interface that is enabled by this role.

This allows you to create, track, resolve, and close incidents and request for services. You can also access the Service Catalog, FAQs, announcements, and Knowledge Base articles and create service requests, and incidents.

An added feature is that you can save an item and complete and submit it later. Unsubmitted requests will appear in a basket on the top right of the screen.

Accessing the Responsive User Interface

We recommend that you use Google Chrome when accessing the responsive user interface.

The responsive user interface is not supported to use with the following browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), and native/embedded Android browsers.

1.Log in to Service Manager.

2.From the drop-down list under your default role, select Self Service Mobile. The application changes the interface to responsive user interface.

Using the Responsive User Interface on Mobile Devices

Use the Self Service Mobile role to view pages on mobile devices such as tablets or phones. The user interface is similar but you can tap and swipe on the screen to see your choices. On tablets you may need to click on the title bar to move the display. Some parts may allow you to scroll the available list.

The responsive user interface is responsive, simplified, and intuitive. You can view the interface on a variety of iOS and Android devices. The following three icons are helpful when navigating the pages.

Icon Use
Tap to list, then select from the available menu items.
Tap to enable search.
Tap to see a list of available filters, then select from the choices available within a module.

1.From a computer or mobile device, log in to the Service Desk.

2.Select the Self Service Mobile role to load the pages.

When you log in, the application displays the responsive user interface Home page as configured for your environment.

3.Click or tap any option to open that page.

Default pages have been set up for each menu option but they can be customized for your installation.

4.The following is the list of menu options:

Menu Option Description

Cart. Contains the saved Service Requests.

Settings. Administrators use this option to customize the view, change titles, branding, and access to workspaces. Click the icon to start editing and click again to save and close.

Configure. Administrators can configure the application by changing their role to Administrator and clicking the Configure icon.

For more information on configuring the application, see Initially Configuring Service Manager.

Logout. Logs you out of the application.

5.The following is the list of side panel options:

Menu Option Description

Menu. Click the Menu icon to expand and collapse the left menu pane. On mobile devices the menu closes after you select an option.

Home. The default location. You see this page when you log into the responsive user interface. This page contains a dashboard. Click a title bar to open that page.
Service Catalog. Displays a list of available services. The services you see are the same as when you are logged into the application using the Self Service User role. For more information about the choices and how to use search and filtering, see Using the Service Catalog Mobile Workspace.
Knowledge Base. Displays a list of Knowledge Base articles. Enter a term in the Search field to search both the title and the content of all Knowledge articles. Filter your choices by using the All Categories, All Types, Any Rating, or Sort By drop-down lists.
Frequently Asked Questions. Displays frequently asked questions. Enter a term in the Search field to search both the title and the content of all FAQ articles for that term. Limit the search to a category by selecting an option from the All Categories drop‑down list.
My Items. Displays incidents or requests created by you or assigned to you. Filter the available items by using the All, Sort by, or Sort Dir options.
Announcements. Displays various levels and types of announcements. Click or tap an announcement to see more information. Enter a term in the Search field to search all announcements.

Search. Searches for items that are configured for your environment. Usually these include announcements, FAQs, and Knowledge Base articles.

Filter the search to a single category by using the All Types drop‑down list.

Filter the date range by selecting an option from the All Ages drop‑down list.

Settings. Changes your language or default login role. Administrators use this option to customize the view, change titles, branding, and access to workspaces.
Log Out. Logs you out of the application.

Using the Service Catalog Workspace

The Service Catalog workspace lists all request offerings but also allows you to search for items and to filter the view or the search. Filter your search or view by that item or category.

The Search field allows you to search for a specific term by a word or phrase in a service request title or description, such as "Active" or "HR".

The Filter Options pane has category check boxes that allow you to filter the view or search for specific Service Catalogs. For example, you can only view Service Catalogs for HR Services, or IT Services.

Some sections may contain multiple related choices. Click the arrow to expand the selection and to view the full list. Other filters may be available based on how the filters are configured for your application.

You can select the category check box of your choice, multiple check boxes can be selected at once. To clear all the categories, click the drop-down field and select Clear.

Filter Options

Creating Attachments in the Responsive User Interface

You can use the camera on your device to take a photograph and attach it to an incident.

When using the responsive user interface, you can only attach one item for iOS devices. Depending on your application configuration, you may be limited to the types of files (such as .mov) that you can attach.

1.Create an incident using the New Issue or Report An Issue icon and save it.

2.In the Form Submitted window, tap View Created Request to reopen the incident.

3.Scroll to the Attachments section and select Browse. If you are using the interface from a laptop you see a list of files that you can attach (such as PDF, .doc, or .xls files). The attachments can be viewed from devices with the appropriate apps or capability to view the attachments.

4.If your device is camera-enabled, you have the following options for attachments:

Take Photo or Video: Take a new photo or video.

Photo Library: Select a photo or video.

iCloud Drive: Select a file that is saved or shared in an iCloud drive.

Administrators can limit or change the types of allowed attachments (such as .mov) from the Configuration Console, by clicking Configure > Security Controls > Allowed file extensions.

Using the Camera on Safari with iOS 8

Privacy settings on devices using Safari with iOS 8 may prevent you from using the camera function. The camera opens but the screen remains blank and only the Cancel button is enabled. If this occurs, use the following steps to re-enable the camera function:

1.From the Apple device go to Settings > Privacy > Camera.

2.Turn on access to the camera for Safari.

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