Service Manager


Fields Collected by Agent and Agentless Scans

Data from the source fields (first column) is automatically mapped to the target fields (second column) in Service Manager.

Fields Collected by Agent Scans

Fields Collected by Agentless Scans

Fields Collected by Agent Scans

Client Message From Agent Scanner Field in Ivanti Service Manager Table
Product.SaaS Client Agent.DisplayVersion AgentVersion CI
Cid ClientID CI
Computer Description Description CI
Login Name
Full Computer Name FullyQualifiedDomainName CI
Network Domain DomainName CI
FQDN (extract domain from FQDN)
Computer Name Name CI
IP IPaddress CI
Port Subnet CI
MAC MACaddress CI
Serial Number SerialNumber CI
Login Name LoginName CI
Chassis Type ChassisType CI
Hardware.CPU Sockets no match field CI
Virtualization ExecutionEnvironment CI
Manufacturer Manufacturer CI
Model Model CI
OS Platform OperatingSystem CI
OS Product OSEdition CI
OS Class CIType CI
Major Version OSMajorVersion CI
Minor Version OSMinorVersion CI
Build Number OSBuildNumber CI
Partition.Size TotalDiskSpace CI
Partition.Free FreeDiskSpace CI
sum{Hardware.Partition.Free} * 100 / sum{Hardware.Partition.Size} PercentFreeDiskspace CI
Hardware.CPU CPUCount CI
Hardware.RAM Module MemorySlotCount CI
Hardware(Match FRS_CIComponentType)
Adapter : NIC NetworkAdapter  
Ports : IP IPAddress FRS_CIComponent
Check IP is empty or not IPEnabled FRS_CIComponent
MAC MACaddress FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent
Model DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer OriginalManufacturer FRS_CIComponent
PCI Device ID PCIDeviceID FRS_CIComponent
PCI Vendor ID PCIVendorID FRS_CIComponent
Port Subnet FRS_CIComponent
Adapter : Display DisplayAdapter  
Model Description FRS_CIComponent
Model_PCI DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Maximum bits per pixel MaxBitsPerPixel FRS_CIComponent
Model Model FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer OriginalManufacturer FRS_CIComponent
PCI Device ID PCIDeviceID FRS_CIComponent
PCI Vendor ID PCIVendorID FRS_CIComponent
RAM Memory FRS_CIComponent
Disk PhysicalStorage  
Unit DiskNumber FRS_CIComponent
Model Model FRS_CIComponent
Serial Number SerialNumber FRS_CIComponent
Size DiskSize FRS_CIComponent
Type DiskType FRS_CIComponent
Partition LogicalStorage  
Host Units DiskNumber FRS_CIComponent
Name DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Type DriveFormat FRS_CIComponent
Free FreeSpace FRS_CIComponent
Size Capacity FRS_CIComponent
RAM Module Memory  
Slot Name+Size+Width+Speed+Type+Form Factor DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Form Factor FormFactor FRS_CIComponent
Type MemoryType FRS_CIComponent
Size MemorySize FRS_CIComponent
Slot Number SlotNumber FRS_CIComponent
Peripheral : Monitor Monitor  
Date of Manufacture ManufacturedDate FRS_CIComponent
EDID Manufacturer ID Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent
HardwareID HardwareId FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent
Max Horizontal Size MaxHorizontalSize FRS_CIComponent
Max Horizontal Size.u MaxHorizontalSizeUnit FRS_CIComponent
Max Vertical Size MaxVerticalSize FRS_CIComponent
Max Vertical Size.u MaxVerticalSizeUnit FRS_CIComponent
Model DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Serial Number SerialNumber FRS_CIComponent
Hardware - General
Date BIOSDate CI
Version BIOSVersion CI
Manufacturer BIOSManufacturer CI
Manufacturer OriginalManufacturer CI
Manufacturer CPUManufacturer CI
Cores CPUCoreCount CI
Name CPUName CI
Speed CPUSpeed CI
Speed Unit CPUSpeedUnit CI
Chassis Type ChassisType CI
Serial Number SerialNumber CI
Network Identity    
Domain DomainName CI
Full Computer Name FullyQualifiedDomainName CI
Build Number OSBuildNumber CI
OS Class CIType CI
Major Version OSMajorVersion CI
Minor Version OSMinorVersion CI
OS Platform OperatingSystem CI
Processor Architecture CPUArchitecture CI
OS Product OSEdition CI
Product Type OSEdition CI
Service Pack OSServicePackLevel CI
Size TotalMemory CI
Size Unit TotalMemoryUnit CI
Product/Usage FRS_CIComponent#InstalledApplication  
DisplayName DisplayName/SoftwareName FRS_CIComponent/SoftwareIdentity
DisplayVersion VersionNumber/SoftwareVersion FRS_CIComponent/SoftwareIdentity
Freq UsageFrequency FRS_CIComponent
GUID Guid FRS_CIComponent/SoftwareIdentity
InstallDate InstallDate FRS_CIComponent
Language LanguageCode FRS_CIComponent/SoftwareIdentity
Last Used LastUsedDateTime FRS_CIComponent
Product ID ProductID FRS_CIComponent
Publisher Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent/SoftwareIdentity
Subkey Tag FRS_CIComponent
UninstallString UninstallString FRS_CIComponent
Name FileName FRS_CIComponent
Date FileDate FRS_IM_FileInstance
Description Description FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
File Version FileVersion FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Name FileName FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
FileVersion String FileVersionFull FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Freq UsageFrequency FRS_IM_FileInstance
Internal Name InternalName FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Language LanguageCode FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Last Used LastUsedDateTime FRS_IM_FileInstance
Manufacturer Manufacturer FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Name Filename FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Original Name OriginalName FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Path FilePath FRS_IM_FileInstance
Product Product FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Size Size FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
Product Version ProductVersion FRS_IM_SoftwareFile
CIM Row FRS_CIComponent#WindowsService  
Caption Caption/DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Description Description FRS_CIComponent
DesktopInteract DesktopInteract FRS_CIComponent
Name Name/ComponentId FRS_CIComponent
PathName PathName FRS_CIComponent
ProcessId ProcessId FRS_CIComponent
StartMode StartMode FRS_CIComponent
StartName StartName/ServiceAccountName FRS_CIComponent
State State FRS_CIComponent
SystemName SystemName FRS_CIComponent
Product FRS_CIComponent#Hotfix  
DisplayName DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Subkey HotfixID FRS_CIComponent
InstallDate InstallDate FRS_CIComponent
Publisher Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent
VM GuestHostRelationship  
Name Description ClientName GuestHostRelationship
VM UUID VMUUID GuestHostRelationship

Fields Collected by Agentless Scans

Client Message by WMI Scanner Field in Ivanti Service Manager Table
Cid ClientID CI
Computer Description Description CI
Login Name
Full Computer Name FullyQualifiedDomainName CI
Network Domain DomainName CI
FQDN(extract domain from FQDN)
Computer Name Name CI
IP IPaddress CI
Port Subnet CI
MAC MACaddress CI
Serial Number SerialNumber CI
Login Name LoginName CI
Chassis Type ChassisType CI
Virtualization ExecutionEnvironment CI
Manufacturer Manufacturer CI
Model Model CI
OS Platform OperatingSystem CI
OS Product OSEdition CI
OS Class not found CI
Service Pack OSServicePackLevel CI
Major Version OSMajorVersion CI
Minor Version OSMinorVersion CI
Build Number OSBuildNumber CI
Partition.Size TotalDiskSpace CI
Hardware(Match FRS_CIComponentType) FRS_CIComponentType
Adapter: NIC NetworkAdapter  
Ports : IP IPAddress FRS_CIComponent
Check IP is empty or not IPEnabled FRS_CIComponent
MAC MACaddress FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent
Model DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer OriginalManufacturer FRS_CIComponent
PCI Device ID PCIDeviceID FRS_CIComponent
PCI Vendor ID PCIVendorID FRS_CIComponent
Port Subnet FRS_CIComponent
Adapter: Display DisplayAdapter  
Model Description FRS_CIComponent
Model_PCI DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Maximum bits per pixel MaxBitsPerPixel FRS_CIComponent
Manufacturer OriginalManufacturer FRS_CIComponent
PCI Device ID PCIDeviceID FRS_CIComponent
PCI Vendor ID PCIVendorID FRS_CIComponent
RAM Memory FRS_CIComponent
Disk PhysicalStorage  
Unit DiskNumber FRS_CIComponent
Model Model FRS_CIComponent
Serial Number SerialNumber FRS_CIComponent
Size DiskSize FRS_CIComponent
Type DiskType FRS_CIComponent
Partition LogicalStorage  
Host Units DiskNumber FRS_CIComponent
Name DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Type DriveFormat FRS_CIComponent
Free FreeSpace FRS_CIComponent
Size Capacity FRS_CIComponent
RAM Module Memory  
Slot Name+Size+Width+Speed+Type+Form Factor DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
Form Factor FormFactor FRS_CIComponent
Type MemoryType FRS_CIComponent
Size MemorySize FRS_CIComponent
Slot Number SlotNumber FRS_CIComponent
Peripheral : Monitor(No information in Monitor) Monitor  
Hardware - General    
Date BIOSDate CI
Version BIOSVersion CI
Manufacturer BIOSManufacturer CI
Manufacturer CPUManufacturer CI
Cores CPUCoreCount CI
Name CPUName CI
Speed CPUSpeed CI
Speed Unit CPUSpeedUnit CI
Chassis Type ChassisType CI
Serial Number SerialNumber CI
Network Identity    
Domain DomainName CI
Full Computer Name FullyQualifiedDomainName CI
Build Number OSBuildNumber CI
Class CIType CI
Major Version OSMajorVersion CI
Minor Version OSMinorVersion CI
Platform OperatingSystem CI
Product OSEdition CI
Product Type OSEdition CI
Check Service Pack OSServicePackLeve CI
Size TotalMemory CI
Size Unit TotalMemoryUnit CI
DisplayName DisplayName FRS_CIComponent
DisplayVersion VersionNumber FRS_CIComponent
GUID Guid FRS_CIComponent
InstallDate InstallDate FRS_CIComponent
Publisher Manufacturer FRS_CIComponent
UninstallString UninstallString FRS_CIComponent

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