Adding the ESX Business Object to the CI Layout

Service Manager


Adding the ESX Business Object to the CI Layout

About Adding the ESX Business Object to the CI Layout

Editing the CI Layout

Changing Views for the CI Layout

About Adding the ESX Business Object to the CI Layout

If you are upgrading from Service Manager Release 2014.2 and earlier, you may receive an error when attempting to view the ESX business object through the CI workspace. You may also be unable to create a new record of type ESX since the option is unavailable. This occurs because the CI layout is not updated automatically during an upgrade, since there is a risk of affecting customer-specific changes to the layout.

Edit the CI layout to add the ESX business object by using the following procedures.

Editing the CI Layout

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the CI business object.

3.Click the Layouts tab.

4.Open the CI layout.

5.Click Add New Form View.

6.Ensure that you are in the old view. If you are in the old view, the application displays a Try our new look icon.  For this procedure, you need to be in the old view.  If you are in the new view, click Switch to old view on the right.

7.In the Form view definition for field, click CI and select CI.ESX from the drop-down list. Click Yes at the confirmation message.

8.In the Display name field, enter ESX.

9.In the Main Form field, click not set and enter CIESXHeader.

10.To add the Action Menu for access to quick actions, do the following:

a. Next to the toolbar, click Edit.
b. In the Toolbar Editor dialog box, select Action menu from the list and drag it to the right pane of the toolbar section.
c. Drag any other toolbar items as required, from the list to this space.
d. Remove all of the toolbar links from the left section of the toolbar.
e. Click Save.

11.Edit the child panels by doing the following:

a. Click Add Child Panel.
b. In the Display Name field, click <Not Set> and enter Details.  
c. In the Object field, click <Not Set>.
d. In the dialog box, for the Direct Relationship field, select CI.ESX (via to itself).
e. Click Save.
f. In the Form(s) column, click <Not Set> and from the Form Selection dialog box, for CI.ESX select CI.ESX.Details.

12.Click Save.

13.Add the following child panels by following the process in step 11.

Display Name Business Object Relationships List Forms
Details CI.ESX To Itself N/A CI.ESX.Details
Event Frs_EVT_Event CIAssocFrs_EVT_Event Frs_EVT_Event.DefaultGrid Frs_EVT_Event.DefaultForm
Availability Log Frs_AVL_CILog CIAssocFrs_AVL_CILog Frs_AVL_CILog.DefaultGrid Frs_AVL_CILog.DefaultForm
Guest GuestHostRelationship HostRelationshipAssocCIComputer GuestComputers GuestHostRelationship.Guest
Cost Item Frs_ITFM_Transaction CIAssocFrs_ITFM_Transaction Frs_ITFM_Tranaction.DefaultGrid Frs_ITFM_Transaction.ManualEntryForm
Cost Allocation Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_SubscriptionAssocCI Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription.ServiceAllocationGrid Frs_ITFM_Recurring_Service_Subscription.CI
Baseline Comparison Plugin: Baseline Comparison

14.After you have added all of the panels, click OK.

Changing Views for the CI Layout

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the CI business object.

3.Click the Layouts tab.

4.Open the CI layout.

5.From the Views in this layout section, click gridView.

6.Scroll to the Navigation to other views section and the On request to create new object show list.

7.Find the CI#ESX entry, and in the Use this form column click <Not Set> and select ESX (CI.ESX) from the drop-down list.

8.Scroll to the On request to edit or view existing objects show list.

9.Find the CI#ESX entry, and in the Use this form column click <Not Set> and select ESX (CI.ESX) from the drop-down list.

10.Click Save.

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