Service Manager


About the "Other" Form Controls

Listed are the Other controls for business object forms.

Address Book


Cancel Button

CI Tree Viewer

Command Button

Expression Text





Progress Bar

Related Objects List

Response Target


Social Share Button

Software Installation

Tree Grid

URL Button

Address Book

Enables the user to access the address book. This control only applies to text fields.

Property Description
Control Type Address Book

The control height (lines).


An image to associate with this control.

Label Address Book
Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Style Rule Choose a style for the control label.

Choose a style from the drop-down list. See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.


The control width (ems).


Allows attachments to be added, listed, and viewed on the form.

Property Description
Can add Specifies if users can add attachments to the record.
Can delete Specifies if users can delete attachments from the record.
Can paste Specifies if users can paste content from the clipboard as an attachment.
Control Type Attachments

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Pos

The label position.

Label Style Rule The field label style. Choose a style or enter an expression.
Max files Specifies the maximum number of files allowed to be attached to a record. For example, to have no more than ten files be attached, enter 10. Enter at least 1 to enable file upload.
MaxHeight Optional. The maximum height (in pixels) of the control.
MinHeight Optional. The minimum height (in pixels) of the control.
Relationship The related field. Choose from the drop-down list.
Size in How to measure the size. Choose either KB or MB.

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

Cancel Button

Adds a Cancel button to the form.

Property Description
Control Type Cancel Button

The control height (lines).


An image to associate with this control.

Label Cancel
Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

CI Tree Viewer

Adds controls for structuring configuration items within a CI map, including the capacity to link, unlink, and view the configuration items in upstream or downstream displays.

Property Description
Cell Layout The layout of the cell.
Cell Vertical Alignment Specifies how the cells should align.
Column Span The number of columns the control should span.
Row Span The number of rows the control should span.
Section Break Specifies if there is a section break.
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .

Command Button

Button executes a specific command, such as running a report or a quick action.

Property Description
Action Optional. Choose a quick action to be performed when a user clicks the button.
Causes Validation Specifies if this button causes validation.  Select either true or false.
Control Type User interface command button.
Disabled Expression Create an expression, or choose from the drop-down list.

The control height (lines).


An image to associate with this control.


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Quick Action Choose a quick action from the drop down list.
Quick Action Choose a quick action from the drop-down list.

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

Expression Text

Certain fields might need an expression for calculating a value or use a counter to automatically increment a tracking number contained within.

Property Description
Control Type Read-only Expression

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Pos

The label position.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Value Expression  
Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).


Allows the viewing of the external login and associated authentication provider information. For example, this is visible on the Employee form.

Property Description
Add Button Text The text that appears in the button.
Allow Adding

Specifies if you can add child items to the list.

Allow Paste

Specifies if you can paste values.

Allow Removing

Specifies if you can remove child items from the list.

ChildFieldList The name of the child field list.
Control Type The control type. Enter Child Object Viewer.
Empty Text The text that appears when no values have been entered into the field.
Enable Border

Specifies if there is a border around the control.


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Pos

The label position.

Max Item Count The maximum number of child items allowed on the list.
Read Only Rule

Specifies if this is a read-only rule.



Expression: Enter an expression in the Expression Editor.

RelatedTableRef The reference to a related table.
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression Specifies if the expression is visible.
Width The control width (ems).


Shows the controls for a list.

Property Description
Control Type Grid
Enable Grid Border Show a border around the list.
Enable Row Select Choose True to enable users to select the entire row when the click an item on the list.
Enable Row Stripes Choose True to show rows.
Grid Name Enter a unique name for the list.
Grid Relation Enter the relation to the list.
Grid Style Choose from the drop-down list: Normal, List.
Hide Grid Header Choose True to hide the list header.

The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Pos

The label position.

Max Rows The maximum number of rows generated for the list.
Pager Style

Choose the style to indicate the next page from the drop-down list.

Normal: Shows arrows

"More" link: Shows the word More as a link.

Hidden: No controls appear.


Adds a static or dynamic label to a form.

Property Description
Control Type Label

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).


Add images to the form, such as buttons or company logos.

Property Description
Control Type Image

An image to associate with this control.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Progress Bar

Define a progress bar for tracking purposes. For example, you can add a progress bar to track escalations for an incident.

Property Description
1st Esc DateTime Enter an expression for the first escalation date and time. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]L1DateTime).
1st Esc Enabled Empty.
1st Esc Passed Enter an expression for when the first escalation has passed. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]L1Passed).
2nd Esc DateTime Enter an expression for the second escalation date and time. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]L2DateTime).
2nd Esc Enabled Empty.
2nd Esc Passed Enter an expression for when the second escalation has passed. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]L2Passed).
3rd Esc DateTime Enter an expression for the third escalation date and time. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]L3DateTime).
3rd Esc Enabled Empty.
3rd Esc Passed Enter an expression for when the third escalation has passed. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]L3Passed).
Breach DateTime Enter an expression for the escalation breach date and time. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]BreachDateTime).
Breach Passed Enter an expression for when the escalation breach has passed. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]BreachPassed).
Clock State Enter an expression for the clock state. For example, enter $([link:ResolutionEscLink]ClockState).
Control Type Color bar indicator

The control height (lines).

Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.

Label Width Enter the number of pixels for the width of the label.
Start Date Enter the start date.

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

Related Objects List

Show a list of related object records, which in turn can be accessed by the user.

Property Description
Configuration Flex settings
Control Type Related Objects List

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Pos

The label position.

Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

Response Target

Shows incident response time in relation to target response time. The states are:

blank: The incident record has been created recently. Response window still open.

met: Response was on time.

breached: No response, or late.

Property Description
Breach DateTime Enter the value for the breach date and time.
Breach Passed Enter the value for the breach passed date and time.
Clock State Enter the value for the clock state.
Control Type Response target

The control height (lines).

Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.

Label Width Enter a value for the label width.
Start Date Enter a value for the start date of the response.

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).


A schedule control for creating a ScheduleEntry business object related to the form's business object. You can schedule items at daily, weekly, monthly and annual intervals using UTC time.

For example, if this control is on a Change Window Object form, two business objects are created upon completing the form, Change Window and ScheduleEntry.

Property Description
Control Type Schedule

The control height (lines).

Name of Relationship with Parent  
Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.

Schedule Type Changed Field  

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Use Timezone Control

True: The control is constricted to the user's time zone.

False: The user's time zone is not used.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

Social Share Button

Button to allow a user to access the Social Board.

Property Description
Action Optional. Choose a quick action from the pop up list to be performed when a user clicks the button.
Control Type Social Share Button

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

Software Installation

Allows the user to select combinations of available configuration items and software.

Property Description
Control Type Software Installation

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Style Rule

An expression to be applied to this style, if needed. You can define what existing style (bold, header, etc.) to apply to a control based on a condition.

Owner Expression  
Package Expression  

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.
Width The control width (ems).

Tree Grid

Shows the information as a tree list.

Property Description
Control Type Tree Grid
Field Name  

The control height (lines).


The text to appear on the field or control label.

Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.

Label Pos

The label position.

Read Only Expression  
Required Expression  

See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

URL Button

A button that opens a URL.

Property Description
Control Type URL Button

The control height (lines).


An image to associate with this control.

Label The text to appear on the field or control label. For example, Go To Parent.
Label Expression

An expression to apply to this label, if needed. For example, on the KnowledgeSelfService form, the following expression has been added to the Details cells: $(("Article ID: " + KnowledgeNumber)). This adds the label Article ID to the label and the Knowledge Base number assigned to this record.


See Using Highlighter Styles.

Style Rule See Home  .
Tab Index

The order in which users can tab into this field.

URL The URL the user accesses when clicking the button.
Visible Expression

Accepts the expression $(true) to make the expression control visible, or $(false) to hide it from the user.

Width The control width (ems).

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