Service Manager


Activating Software Packages and OS Sets

After synchronization between DSM and Service Manager, the software or operating application has a status of not available in Service Manager until it is activated. You must activate any software that has a status of not available before it can be installed or provisioned in Service Manager.

You must publish the software package and software set in the Self Service portal so that it is available for requesters from the Self Service portal.

1.Log into the Service Desk console.

2.Open one or more of the following workspaces:

To make the software packages available, open the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace.

To make the software sets available, open the DSM Software Set - Legacy workspace.

To make the software operating systems available, open the DSM Operating System Set - Legacy workspace.

3.Click the arrow at the top of the Status column, then select Group by this Field. The application lists all the records set to not available together.

4.Depending on the workspace you are in, select one of the following actions:

Activate Software Package in the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace.

Activate Software Set in the DSM Software Set - Legacy workspace.

Activate OS Set in the DSM Operating System Set - Legacy workspace.

The application sets the status to requested and creates a task to activate. After the DSM server processes the task, the application sets the status to available.

5.Select the records to make available to end users in the Self Service portal:

Publish to Self Service in the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace.

Publish to Self Service in the DSM Software Set - Legacy workspace.

You can also open a record and select Publish to Self Service.

The Publish to SelfService column shows a value of yes and the application makes the item available in the Self Service portal.

Specifying the Approval for Software Packages

If you specify the approval for a software package, an approval task is created when the software is requested from the Self Service portal.

To require approval for hardware or operating system sets, see Defining Hardware and Software Profiles.

1.Log into the Service Desk console.

2.Open the DSM Software Package workspace.

3.Open the record for which to specify approval.

4.On the Details tab, check Approval required. The Approval Required column in the list view shows a value of yes.

5.Save the record.

Viewing and Editing Default Installation Parameters

Installation parameters (such as parameter name, display name, additional text, and so on) that are displayed in a software package are inherited from the DSM application when software packages are synchronized. However, you can edit the inherited parameters and make the edited parameters default to Service Manager.

1.Log into the Service Desk console.

2.Open the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace.

3.Select a record for which to view installation parameters, and open it.

4.Click the Installation Params tab.

5.Select a parameter in the list and open it or click Go to.

6.In the Edit Installation Parameters window, do any of the following:

In the Display Name field, enter a new display name.

Select an option from the Parameter Type menu.

Check Required if the parameter is mandatory.

7.Click Save.

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