Service Manager


Linking Software Packages to Software Records

Use the DSM user interface to create installable software packages. You can optionally use the Service Manager server to associate one or more DSM-defined software packages to a Service Manager software record.

The application displays Service Manager software records, which are containers for groupings of software packages, as selectable choices in the Software field of the Software Details tab of a Software Installation Request template.

If an appropriate Service Manager software record does not exist, create a new record.

1.Log into the Service Desk console.

2.Open the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace. A list of packages is displayed.

3.Double-click the record to link to Service Manager software.

4.From the FRS Software tab, click Link. A list of Service Manager software records is displayed.

5.Choose the record to which to link software packages, then click Select.

6.Repeat to link other Service Manager software to the software package.

7.Click Save.

Creating a New Software Record and Linking to a Software Package

If the existing set of Service Manager software records does not meet your requirements, create a new software record.

1.Log into the Service Desk console.

2.Open the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace.

3.Select the record to link to the Service Manager software, and open it.

4.From the FRS Software tab, click New FRS_Software.

5.Enter information into the Name, Version, Edition, and Price fields as needed.

6.Click Save. The new Service Manager software record is now associated with the DSM software package.

Viewing Operating Systems Linked to Software Packages

In DSM, software packages are mapped to one or more operating systems. After the DSM synchronization occurs, the operating systems that are associated with software packages are populated in Service Manager from DSM.

Operating systems that are linked to software packages appear as a pre-populated field in the Software Installation Request template when a user in the Self Service portal selects a software package from the software menu. The value of the operating system field is also derived from the computer selected.

1.Log into the Service Desk console.

2.Open the DSM Software Package - Legacy workspace.

3.Select a record to view the associated operating systems, and open it.

4.Select the Platform tab. View the linked operating systems.

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